Kane cast an uncertain glance at Kara but the mother kept her gaze on Reina's and ignored him.

Hmm, quite the brave one, Reina thought with a conspicuous smirk.

"I said anything." She lifted her sweaty chin. "What do you want?"

Reina couldn't help the shiver of anticipation that travelled down her spine and held in a pleasant sigh when one of the shadows whispered something suggestive in her ear.

Tell her to give you the boy.

Yes, yes, the boy, others piped in, reaching up from their position around her body to whisper and glide around her ears, mouth, jaws and chin. Reina bit her bottom lip and closed her eyes as delightful sensations vibrated all over her body.

The boy, the boy, give him to us.

Et Kar will be pleased.

Yes, yes he will. He told us so.

Give us the boy.

Once we present it to him, you will also get what you want.

Do not deny your master this.

Give us the boy!

"I want the babe," Reina said once her eyes had opened. She caught the couple briefly staring at her warily - probably because of the way the shadows had abruptly clouded the sides of her face and left her body bare for a minute - but dismissed the cautious stares and awaited a response.

Kara's face subsequently drained of all colour after Reina's word sank in. "You want my baby?"

Reina refrained from rolling her eyes. "Yes. I want the boy."

"I will not let you have him." Kane glared at the witch and took a step closer to his wife in an attempt to guard the baby. "Anything but him."

Reina cocked her head and narrowed her eyes at him, then diverted her gaze to the she-wolf. "That wasn't part of the deal you made, darling."

"There must be something else." Kara's voice was a tad bit shaky as she spoke, though the human tried to cover it up. How sweet. "That can't be what you want."

The Night Witch's gaze didn't waver. "Oh, I assure you it is."

"You should not have said anything," Kane accused the woman holding his son. "Now look what you have caused. She wants our first son!"

Kara didn't speak for a while - still gazing at Reina - and the witch assumed that she was contemplating whether to let go so easily or stand defensive. Reina could simply take what she wanted without breaking a sweat, but where was the fun in that? Besides, she was not prepared to care for a weak babe any more than she wanted to leave the wretched shack she was in.

It took some time before Kara finally said, "It's a deal then."

Perfect, Reina snickered.

"What?" Kane uttered in shock, gazing at the determined woman with surprise etched in his facial expression. "You cannot be serious."

"We can have other children, Kane," she said. "Besides, I made a deal. I can't go back."

Her husband's jaw clenched, but the werewolf said nothing in response.

Reina grinned, feeling the shadows gliding along her body whisper excited praises all over her. Once she presented her master, Et Kar, with the boy, he'd surely give her what she wanted. It was the son of Kane and the strangest she-wolf she'd ever seen, surely it was enough, especially after all she'd done for him.

"Do not worry, darlings, I will not take him now. He is far too young and small to be of any use to me," the Night Witch said, licking her lips as she thought of all the things he'd be able to do for her once he became a man. "But I will come for him when he turns twenty." She turned to leave. "It's a deal."


Reina stopped herself before she merged with the shadows and shifted her head to look behind her. "You called?"

"Is it possible that my son wouldn't be destined a mate?" Kara licked her lips with uncertainty. "I mean-"

"Kara," Kane growled, interrupting her with a glare. "What are you doing?"

Reina's smirk grew as she turned to face the woman fully. "You do not want your son to have a weakness." She didn't need an answer to confirm, she got all the confirmation she needed from the look on Kara's face.

"That, my darling, is not possible," the witch said. "But instead of a mate, I could make his weakness in the form of an object."

"Yes." Kara nodded frantically, unaware of Kane's uncertain glances between her and Reina. He didn't seem to object the choice of his child's weakness, but it didn't mean he completely stood for it either. "That would be best. As long as it's not a person capable of triggering his emotions."

"Perfect then." The foolish woman, Reina thought. She had forgotten to make that little wish on all her babes, which meant that they would be seeing each other quite soon enough. Which also meant, more deals for Reina.

With a flick of her wrist and a few incoherent words, a small ruby ring materialized around the baby's right middle finger. After the deed was done, the Night Witch turned to leave again.


Reina didn't stop this time, but let out an exasperated sigh as her body began to dissipate into the shadows. "I do not have all night, darling."

"What do you want in return?" Kane asked before his wife could. His voice low with warning. "But know, I will not be offering any more of my offspring."

Reina half-smiled as her face blended into the darkness. "Do not worry yourself with an answer now, darling. You will know when the time comes."



A/N: Hey, fellow black/white/red/yellow knights, or just mis lectores! XD As you noticed, I changed from first person to third for Reina's sake because I wanted to introduce her POV without diving deep into it by using first person, so I did third. Hopefully, this epilogue was an okay read at least.

And as you are aware, this is the end of Book Two in the Moon Series, and yes, I'm aware of the so many questions it has aroused plus the horrible cliffhanger😆 But do not lose all hope! I might---just might---write a Book Three, but it won't be now as I've got to update my other two books which have been on hold for months now.

However, an enormous thanks to all you lovely readers who've read this book until the end❤ I appreciate it, and you, so much!😊

Oh and thanks too for adding one more read to this chapter's number of reads😉 It's all appreciated greatly.

Until we meet again,


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