Chapter 9

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"What is it you want then?!" The reply I received wasn't coherent, so I didn't bother making any sense out of it.

Tightening my grip on the firewood - even though I was certain that the flames would eventually fade away since I was walking a lot faster than before - I followed the beast out of the cave. Even with all my running, I knew that catching up with him would be a futile attempt because I was positive that it had morphed into his wolf form.

"Please be there," I muttered in prayer as I turned a curve within the cave. I then let out a soft sigh of relief when I saw that the curve led straight to the opening of the cave.

I threw down the firewood since I didn't feel a need for it anymore and ran towards the entrance.

I'm coming, Mum.

I halted in my tracks when I got to the entrance and was about to go in search for my mother who I was sure was with my father when I caught sight of a huge wolf, growling at something in front of it. The wolf's creamish coloured fur caught my attention and from then I believed that that was the stranger because that fur was one of a kind.

I was about to walk towards his direction without any sensible reason when a familiar voice stopped me. "Well, what do we have here?"


"Boys, this is the wolf that singlehandedly defeated my mate and I." Sarcasm laced in his tone as he spoke. "Congratulations."

I walked a little closer and peered from beside the huge wolf's frame, though careful to keep my distance. My father plus five members from his pack were standing in the midst of trees, facing the stranger at the left side of the cave with the beast standing at the edge just a metre away from where I was. I had no idea where the other pack members were, but I had a feeling that they might be just where my dad had apparently taken my mother.

Urgh, how could I be so stupid as to believe he'd actually bring her with him?

When Dad saw my shady figure standing in the dim-lit environment on the right side of the enormous werewolf, a cold smile stretched across his face.

"Hello Kara." His humourless smile widened. "I had hoped you'd be dead, but it seems things aren't exactly working out for me tonight, don't you?"

"Where's my mother?" My voice rose with each syllable during the inquiry when I had scanned the werewolves present and hadn't seen my mother's wolf amongst them.

"She's somewhere safe. But I guarantee though, that you won't ever see her again."

At his words, I clenched my teeth and balled my fists. "Dad, please. You can't-"

I was cut off by a loud grumbling noise from the stranger - who'd been silent this whole time - and my eyes widened when he suddenly bared his fangs and leapt into the air, heading straight for my father.

The pack witnessed his sudden act with a surprised look on each face while standing there aimlessly for a heartbeat before two of them snapped out of it and immediately shifted into their wolf forms before also leaping into the air, attempting to block the stranger's attack midway.

However, as if the enormous wolf had been prepared for it, it collided harshly with the two then landed majestically with its forelimbs pressing their figures mercilessly to the ground. With a snarl, the stranger leaned down and tore both their heads off.

My breath caught in my throat at the scene and my heart pumped uncontrollably due to shock and fear. Fear that the ones he had just killed might be two of the few of my close, loyal friends in my father's pack. I couldn't depict their fur in the dark but I still hoped that it wouldn't be any of the three men I held close to my heart.

Dad stood still, seemingly surprised at the brutal murder, but then his eyes lit with a weird glint when the beast faced him with its mouth bloody right after he had taken a step towards it.

"No," he said and lifted a finger to signal them to stop when the guys behind him were about to attack the rogue for killing two of their own.

"But Alpha, he just-"

"I said no. Touch him, you die." It was clear that Dad couldn't care less about those who lived or died in his pack, but the others did. I could see the conflict in their movements from where I stood. Though not surprisingly, Dad didn't even notice.

"Who are you?" my father asked, not in fear or terror, but rather with open curiosity. As usual, he wasn't the slightest bit terrified of situations where he was the target because that was just how he was. He didn't fear anybody, that heartless bastard.

"Wait, now that I think about it, I don't remember ever seeing this kind of fur before even though it is strangely intriguing and somewhat familiar. But I can't place my finger on it," he continued to comment just as the stranger's wolf stood in place, its body heaving with each breath it took.

Not satisfied with the angle in which I witnessed the confrontation, I slipped back and made my way slowly behind the trees that surrounded them, trying to make myself invisible as I approached closer to the scene from the side.

I knew that this was the perfect moment to go in search of my mother since Dad was currently preoccupied. But a huge part of me wanted to see the outcome of this. It was obvious and downright dangerous that I was letting go of perhaps my only chance of getting Mum freed from her slavery but I couldn't help it. I wanted to see what this stranger wanted from us, dammit!

"Who are you?" Dad asked again, narrowing his eyes at the beast. "It's obvious that you're a rogue, but you're way bigger in wolf form than I am and that's certainly not possible." He shook his head but stilled as if a sudden thought just crossed his mind. "Not possible unless you're..." Then his eyes widened.

And as if on cue, it began to morph.

Even though I'd seen the transformation so many times, it always sickened me to watch. Though at times it was quite fascinating, the way the fur moulded into skin and how the snout always shrank and flattened wasn't exactly an appealing sight to witness.

Nevertheless, the second the stranger's face was visible enough to identify, Dad stumbled back and let his mouth drop open.

At that, my curiosity piqued to a whole new level and my heart rate increased drastically. All because my father never stumbled and was never rendered speechless for anything. The other three werewolves, who were still positioned behind their Alpha also appeared to be highly confused, intrigued and as curious as I clearly was.

The stranger held Dad's gaze for a minute with intense hatred gleaming from his eyes before his jaw clenched and he growled out, "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you right now."



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