There's Hope

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Tomorrow morning? Wow.

I was definitely surprised at how quickly we'd packed up a whole house. I walked over to a shelf and started to take books off, putting them in an empty box.

"Why isn't Lily helping?" Seth asked, looking at his mom.

"She's at Peony's house," Jess said. "Saying goodbye. I'm sure they'll see each other again though, we still have their number."

"I guess I forgot she had friends to say goodbye to," Seth laughed.

"What, you don't?"

"Nah. I don't have any close friends at school really."

I wonder why. He's so nice, who wouldn't want to be his friend?

"Well, you won't miss anyone?" Jess laughed. "What about your crush?"

"My crush?" Seth choked. "I don't have a crush on anyone," he said, momentarily glancing at me then looking away. I felt shattered.

Maybe he only said that because his mom. Right? That's why.

"You're lying," Jess laughed. "I'm not stupid."

He's lying. There's hope.

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