"I've heard you've got big muscles, among other things."

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The bell rang, and I stood up and grabbed my stuff. The cheerleader did too, jogging over to the door to catch up with her friend. I didn't know either of their names.

I walked out of the classroom making a beeline toward my locker. I didn't know if the girl was going to find me or-

Oh, she's at my locker already.

"Hey," I said, sounding a bit more confident than I meant to sound.

"Hey," she smiled, leaning against another locker as I opened mine.

"So you wanted to talk to me?" I asked, not looking at her as I put my stuff in my bag.

"Yeah. I've heard a lot about you," she smiled. "You've heard about me too, no?"

"Uh," I said awkwardly. "Remind me what your name is?"

"You don't even know my name?" She laughed. "Tia."

"Well I can't say I've heard anything about you, Tia," I said, closing my locker. "What exactly have you heard about me?"

"I've heard that you've got big muscles, among other big things," she winked.

I didn't know that there were rumors about the size of my dick. It has to be a rumor, no one has ever seen it.

"Well," I choked, I glanced at the clock, realizing it was about 2:05. "I've got to get to the locker rooms."

"Don't have time for anything else before practice?" She grinned suggestively.

"Just what kind of guy do you think I am?" I laughed, walking toward the door that lead to the outdoor field. Tia walked beside me.

"Dunno. I only know you from what I've heard."

"Well I'd be willing to bet that 90% of that stuff isn't true," I laughed. "And I don't do quickies before football practice."

"Stacy was lying then."

"Who is Stacy?" I asked, looking at her.

"You don't even know who she is? She said you fucked her."


"Uh, no," I choked. "I didn't."

"I guess I'll have to talk with her tomorrow then," Tia laughed, opening the door and holding it for me to go out, then walking with me toward the outdoor locker rooms.

Once we got to the two doors, she stopped me. "I've got cheer practice," she explained. "We'll be out in the field next to the football field."

"Alright," I said, pulling open the door to the guy's locker room and going in before she could say anything else. I breathed out a sigh in relief.

"Dude, was that Tia you were talking to?" I heard. I looked toward the voice, recognizing it to be one of my teammates, Kyle.

"Yeah," I said, walking to my locker and opening it.

"Dude, she's like the hottest cheerleader."

"She's alright," I said, pulling my shirt off.

"Come on, you can't brush off Tia," he laughed. "She's fucking hot."

"Haven't you heard? Today's my last day here. Why would I be flirting around with cheerleaders?"

"Of course I've heard, everyone has. And I've heard some of the cheerleaders are great in bed," he smirked.

"You're disgusting," I laughed. "I don't do one night stands."

"You don't do anything, except Stacy I guess."

"I didn't screw Stacy!! I don't know who started that!"

"Whatever, man," he laughed, brushing me off. "She's still hot too, you don't need to be ashamed of it." I glared at him over my shoulder, hopefully delivering the message. I put all of my gear and my uniform on before looking up at the clock. 2:28.

The coach walked in, looking around at all of us.

"Looks like we're all here," he said in his booming voice. "Let's get out to the field."

And with that command, everyone rushed to the door. I closed my locker, staying behind the crowd with Kyle. We finally made our way onto the field.

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