"I told you to put a goddamn shirt on."

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Riley's P.O.V.

Seth led me down the stairs and out to the kitchen, where Jess and Lily were sitting.

"See, they both don't have shirts on," Lily told her mom.

I looked down at myself. I had forgotten that I had taken my shirt off. I didn't forget that Seth took his off though, I was too busy ogling.

"Seth," Jess scolded. "I told you to put a goddamn shirt on."

"But it's so warm, and we were packing," he haggled. "And Lily's room is really warm."

"Lily's room?" Jess questioned.

"Yeah, we finished mine and yours and we're almost done with Lily's. All we have to do is pack up the bathroom up there and the upstairs is good."

"Wow, I'm impressed," she laughed. "At this rate, we'll be on the road pretty soon."

"Hey, we aren't done for today, are we Riley?" He asked, turning and looking at me.

"We aren't?"

"We're just taking a break," he said under his breath.

"Right," I nodded.

"I bet we could have the entire house packed up in two more days," Seth said, looking back at Jess.

"Don't you think you should go to school tomorrow? Don't you want to say goodbye to your friends?"

"I guess so," he said. "Tomorrow's Friday, I guess it'll be the last school day I could say goodbye."

What am I gonna do?

"Riley, maybe you could come to work with me tomorrow," Jess offered. I could've sworn she read my mind. I guess mom's have that power.

"Alright," I nodded.

"I just remembered, I have football practice tomorrow."

Ooh, football practice? I don't like sports, but I wouldn't mind watching.

"Can I come watch?"

"I guess so," he laughed. "I bet you'll be bored, you don't seem very sportsy."

"I won't be bored at all," I said, masking a grin.

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