Jackson tried over and over again, but only ended up with burnt hands. He thought that he could withstand the electrical shock long enough to break free, but he just ended up weakening himself even more. Jackson couldn't make the effort to get up after the fifth attempt.

"Bravo. That was quite a show. But I suggest that you give up already. There's no way you're getting out of here."

Jackson looked up to see Theo on the outside of the cell.

"I'm going to kill you..." Jackson said under his breath.

Theo just laughed at him.

"Please. Look at you. Alone and weak. You're nothing without Stiles. All you are is a pathetic little omega that was taken back by a pack only cause they pitied you." Theo said with a smirk on his face.

"Tell me Jackson, why did you come back to Beacon Hills? Was it because you felt worthless? Was it because you felt empty...like no one cared...like you didn't belong in this world?"

Jackson just looked at Theo with a look of anger and desperation. Everything Theo was saying was true. Jackson was still trying to figure out why exactly he was here. It's true that he had found love with Stiles, but at the same time he felt as if there was more to it than that.

"You see Jackson, I can tell you myself that you are not...that worthless. You are worth far more than you ever thought you'd be." Theo told him.

Jackson just looked at him with a curious expression on his face.

"Don't worry. You're about to find out just how special you really are. You see, somewhere in this whole prophecy mess with the Alpha Dragon and the Black Phoenix...you seem to come into the picture. Without you, Stiles probably would not be who he is right now. Or better yet, what he is. Behind this whole Black Phoenix and Alpha Dragon mumbo jumbo is one small little werewolf that just happens to be the key to everything." Theo said sternly.

"Wha-what are you talking about?" Jackson asked trying to get up.

"Don't worry...you'll find out soon enough." Theo said with a smirk on his face.

Theo's eyes flashed a purple hue at Jackson after what he said. Jackson looked at him closely in surprise.

"Wha-what are you? Are you..."

Theo displayed a conniving smile at Jackson.

"No...I'm not him...I'm not the Black Phoenix. If that's what you're wondering...but I am something of that sort. I do know him though. I guess you can say that he's...almost like a father figure to me..." Theo responded with an evil smile.

Jackson just sat there on the ground looking at Theo as he spoke. He tried listening to his heartbeat, but he couldn't hear it. It was as if he had no heart.

"You see, I'm not your typical supernatural creature. I...I guess you can say I'm...royalty in a way." Theo explained slowly.

Jackson was just thinking about punching the crap out of Theo because he wouldn't get to the point.

Theo's eyes flashed purple again. Then he started to shift into something. He started to grow in height and his muscles began to grow in size. His hair turned silver and some of his clothes ripped. Then Jackson noticed that he had two huge bulges emerging from his back under his shirt. Suddenly two huge feathered wings ripped through the back of Theo's shirt. One was white, and the other was pitch black. Jackson backed up a little when that happened.

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