Turning Tables

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From enemies to new found friends...

The next day, Stiles arrived at school with two Starbucks cups in his hands. One of the cups had his name written on it, and the other had Jackson written on it in cursive.

Stiles remembered Jackson's favorite Starbucks drink since the day he ran into Lydia at the over priced coffee shop. The drinks she ordered have always been scripted it his brain for some reason. Stiles didn't realize how well he retained certain things in his head about Jackson. It almost surprised him how he sort of knew him in a way.

Stiles saw Jackson at his locker getting his books for his class. The boy walked up behind him in such a chipper mood, that it took Jackson by surprise. Jackson couldn't help but give the boy a concerned look. Stiles just came out of nowhere and was now standing there with two cups in his hands. Stiles flashed him a goofy smile before he spoke.

"Hey, um...I got you a drink. I hope you like it. I just took a wild guess here and thought you'd enjoy what I got you. Tall unsweet green tea latte." Stiles said as he handed the warm drink to him.

"Oh...um wow. Thanks Stilinski. Actually, you're in luck because this is my favorite drink." The jock said to Stiles with a small smile on his face.

"Well, I guess I'm a good guesser then." Stiles said. Jackson just smiled and took another sip.

"Think of it as a way of me saying I'm sorry. What happened yesterday..." Stiles looked down for bit and paused.

"What happened yesterday was my fault and I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable or freaked you out. That wasn't my intention Jackson. I don't know what came over me. I had quite a lot to drink and I wasn't really thinking straight" Stiles explained as he looked at him in his blueish-green eyes.

Jackson just gave him a poker face.

"You know what Stilinski? Just forget about it. No big deal. What happened between us is in the past. It wasn't your fault, nor mine. It was just an honest misunderstanding. I'm not just talking about last night...I'm talking about everything. Whatever issues we had in the past, I want to put that behind us. I want a fresh start. What do you say? Friends?" he extended his free hand towards Stiles.

Stiles looked at him with a wide smile. He ignored Jackson's hand and pulled him into a hug instead. Jackson felt confused and weirded out when Stiles hugged him. He hesitated a little bit, but hugged him back awkwardly. When Jackson took a breath, an invigorating scent clouded his senses. He felt as if tiny needles suddenly pierced his entire skin. The scent intoxicated his brain. It was like a drug. He shut his eyes as a rush of goose bumps surged down his entire spine. His mind and body went into a state of euphoria. Jackson just followed his instincts and forgot where he was and who he was with.

"Uh...Jackson? You know you can let go now right?" Stiles said to him.

Jackson had Stiles wrapped tight in his embrace breathing him in. He had his head buried in the crook of Stiles neck.

"Jackson?" Jackson realized what was happening and let go quickly. He started to blush like the reddest apple on an apple tree.

Jackson was looking at Stiles with an expression of embarrassment on his face. He cleared his throat and adjusted himself.

"Uh...um...thanks again for the drink Stilinski...I should probably head to class. You should too. I don't want to make you late on the second day."

"Right. Well, I'll see you at lunch...and history.." Stiles said to him nervously. They said their farewells and made their way to homeroom.

They both walked away feeling confused and a little weirded out about what had just happened.

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