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I got you on my radar...

"Come on Erica! We don't have all day you know!" Stiles yelled from downstairs.

"Oh my God Stiles! I said give me five more minutes!" Erica shouted back.

"You said that thirty minutes ago!" Stiles replied.

Stiles, Erica, Kira, and Liam were going to the mall to look for their Secret Santa presents. Everyone was ready, except for Erica of course.

After fifteen more minutes on top of the five minutes she told Stiles, she finally came down and was ready to go.

Stiles drove his Jeep to the mall while Erica sang along to Christmas tunes streaming on the radio.

When they got there, everyone went their separate ways. They decided to meet up in the food court in two hours.

Stiles was completely lost on what to get his boyfriend. He thought buying him a present would be a piece of cake, but it wasn't. The jock already had loads of money from his inheritance, and his parents bought him stuff all the time too. He can literally buy himself any materialistic thing he desired. Stiles started to feel hopeless. What if Jackson didn't like whatever he got him? It would definitely hurt him to the core if that were to happen. He took a seat on a recliner chair in front of Forever 21 and started to think.

"Maybe I should get him a cat Christmas sweater..." Stiles thought to himself.

"Or maybe...some film for his camera?"

"'s it!" Stiles said out loud.

The old lady that was sitting next to him just looked at him weird when he said that.

After thirty minutes of reminiscing wonderful memories with Jackson, something clicked in Stiles head. He remembers Jackson telling him about his love for photography and art.

He walked into Best Buy and started to look at the professional cameras. They all seemed a little out of his price range. He tapped into his savings and decided to use half of it on Jackson's present. In total, his budget was two hundred and fifty dollars. There were some that reached the thousand dollar range and he saw some that were five hundred and up. Stiles searched and searched, but they didn't have what he was looking for at a decent price. He didn't know what do. He was starting to feel frustrated and hopeless again.

"Hi, welcome to Best Buy. Is there anything I can help you with today sir?"

Stiles turned around hearing a familiarity in the voice. It was Jordan. The new kid from school.

"Oh, hi! Good to see you again. You're one of Lydia's friends! Stiles is it?"

"Uh yeah. And you're Jordan right? You work here?" Stiles asked the young man in his work uniform.

"Yup. That's me. I transferred to this Best Buy from where I used to live. So what can I help you with today? Are you shopping for a camera?" Jordan asked him while pointing at the expensive merchandise.

"Well, that was the plan but uh...I never thought that they would cost this much." Stiles told him sounding disappointed.

"Yeah. Well these are the best of the best that we have. If you're looking for great quality, then this is what you really need." the pretty boy said to Stiles.

Stiles just looked at him and then back at the cameras with a very unsure look.

Jordan eyed him and saw the uncertainty in the boys eyes.

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