Out of the Woods

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New beginnings...

"Stiles, do you even know where we're going?"

"Scott said that they're somewhere in the woods Jackson."

"Yeah I know that, but do you know exactly where? These woods are pretty widespread you know."

"Uh...not really...no"

"That's what I thought. Do you really think they need our help though? I mean, everyone is after them. It's just two little omegas on the loose. They don't stand a chance against the pack."

"They need as much help as they can get. One of them is an omega. We're not quite sure what the other one is. Scott said that she isn't a werewolf, but something else. He got a distinct scent on her. Plus, they could hurt someone."

Stiles kept on driving in the dark road hoping that everything was going to be okay. Jackson was tapping his finger away on snapchat in the passenger seat.

It was one of the coldest nights of the year. November had arrived already and the nights only get colder in Beacon Hills as winter approaches. Stiles put the heat on full blast, when their phones rang with a text from Derek.

D: She's a Kitsune. She can be very dangerous depending on the type of Kitsune she is. Be careful guys. I'm on my way now.

"A Kitsune? What in the hell is that?" Jackson asked in confusion.

"It's pronounced Keet-sooh-neh. Kitsune is the Japanese word for fox." Stiles said.

"So we're dealing with some kind of supernatural fox creature?"

Stiles was about to respond when out of no where a young boy ran out of the woods into the middle of the road. Stiles slammed the brakes causing their heads to swing back. Stiles tires screeched from the sudden halt. The boy looked like a deer caught in the headlights. He was only wearing shorts and a torn up dirty sleeveless shirt. Stiles looked at him for a few seconds. He saw fear and desperation in the boys eyes, but suddenly his eyes turned yellow and all Stiles saw was rage. The boy took a stance and seemed like he was ready to attack them. The boy began to shift to a werewolf. Stiles turned to see Jackson in the passenger seat and he saw him flashing his electric blue eyes.

"Stiles. Whatever you do, do not get out of the car." Stiles just nodded and saw Jackson get out of the Jeep.

Jackson's werewolf features appeared and he roared at the young boy. Jackson stood his ground and roared as if he was warning him to stay away from the Jeep. He was protecting Stiles. Jackson stood in front of the Jeep and roared one more time. The young wolf roared back and began to run towards Jackson. Jackson met him halfway and they started fighting each other. Jackson was much bigger and stronger, but the boy was faster. He managed to knock Jackson down several times. He dodged all of Jackson's swings and kicks. He threw Jackson against a tree and managed to knock him out cold. He was going for the kill when Stiles got out of the car with his bat and hit the boy on the head.

"Hey! Leave him alone!" Stiles said when he hit him.

The impact did nothing but anger him more. The boy turned around and Stiles tried to hit him one more time, but the boy grabbed the bat and took it away from Stiles. He broke it in half and threw it into the woods. He roared in his face and it scared Stiles so much that he fell to the ground. During that time Jackson woke up and saw what was happening. Jackson felt anger flooding his veins at the sight of the boy so close to Stiles. He quickly got up and tackled the boy to the ground. Jackson pinned him to the ground and roared in his face loudly. The jock flashed his electric blue eyes at him. The boy began to show fear once more as he realized what was happening. But before anything else could happen, Jackson punched him on his head knocking him out cold. Stiles was still lying on the ground when Jackson got up and went to help him up.

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