One Last Time

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I know I should've fought it...

"To all of you that emailed me your reports about the crises that took place in the Middle Ages, I will have those graded and returned to you no later than tomorrow. Other than that, you are dismissed a little early today. Have a great day guys see ya tomorrow." Derek told his history class as they packed their belongings to exit the classroom.

Stiles and Jackson walked together to the library. Jackson needed to pick up some books to do some research for his literature class.

Ever since Jackson came clean with his feelings for Stiles, they became inseparable. Jackson sneaks into Stiles room at night and spends the night talking and playing video games. Half of the time they spend their time cuddling, making out, or having tickle fights. Of course Jackson usually wins, but Stiles has his advantages. It turned out that Jackson was a very ticklish guy. Once Stiles catches Jackson off guard, he's done for. Every day that Stiles spent with Jackson, made him fall harder for the young wolf.

They decided not to tell anyone about their relationship just yet. They wanted to wait for the right time. Jackson wanted total acceptance from everyone in the pack. Especially from Derek and Scott. Stiles didn't mind waiting. He was in no hurry to answer questions from everyone about him and Jackson's relationship.


"Hey...Isaac...please! We have to talk about can't just ignore me every time you see or hear me." Scott was leaning against the lockers as Isaac got his books for his next classes from his locker.

"Look...I-I'm sorry. I realized that I shouldn't have said anything. I just couldn't keep it bottled up inside anymore Isaac. Please talk to me. Please try to understand where I'm coming from. Ever since I met you...I've had this feeling and I didn't know what it was, and to this day I still don't know what it is. The more and more I got to know you, the more this feeling grew inside me." Scott confessed.

Isaac just kept on getting his stuff ready and tried his best to ignore Scott and his words. He slammed his locker, turned his back to Scott, and started to make his way to class.

"That's it. Isaac!" Scott grabbed Isaac's arm and turned him around and forced him look at him.

"Let me go Scott! I have nothing to say to you." Isaac told him.

Scott just looked at him with sadness in his eyes.

"Please...just hear me out Isaac. Just listen. That's all I ask for. After this, if you don't want to talk to me, then that's fine." Scott said.

They walked into an empty classroom to talk privately. Scott closed the door behind him and Isaac sat on top of a table waiting.

"First of all, I'd just like to say I'm sorry. I'm sorry if I offended you, if I creeped you out, or if I...or if I ruined our friendship." Scott said while looking down.

"I just had to tell you how I felt. The way you made me feel inside...I had never felt it for anyone. Not even Allison. You're a really amazing guy. You're a great friend. You're funny, kind, smart, and a person that finds the good in every situation. I was dumb for thinking that I actually had a chance. For actually believing for a slight second that you might actually have felt the same way towards me. That day you were sick, I was really really worried. Not just because you're my friend and part of the pack, but because I care about you more than I probably should. I wasn't thinking straight. This feeling I've been having for you...just exploded out of nowhere. I tried to fight it didn't work. I'm sorry if I ruined our friendship. I just had to tell you everything." Scott confessed.

Isaac just looked to the side trying to avoid looking at Scott. He didn't say anything or even showed that he cared. Silence took over for a few minutes. Scott hoped to get some sort of response, but he got nothing. After a few minutes of silence, Scott decided that it wasn't worth it and decided to leave.

"I'll see you around Isaac." Scott turned around and left the room.

Isaac was left there by himself just lost in his mind. He was still trying to dissect every word that had escaped the tan boy's lips. He sighed really loud and looked at the door that Scott had walked out of. For a moment he felt goose bumps coursing through his flesh and bones as he thought of him and Scott together. He began to feel this urge inside of him. Scott's words began to echo inside his head and they just kept getting louder. Heat started to rise in his chest. It almost felt like it was going to burn through his clothes. He shut his eyes really hard. Finally something came over him and he opened them revealing their golden werewolf glow.

to be continued...

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