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Kiss me back to life...

"You guys know I love you right?" Scott told his friends.

Kira side eyed Scott with a look of grief spread across her face. She had her sword out ready to take the first swing. Derek was in full on wolf mode baring his keen fangs. Meanwhile, Theo was displaying a serious demeanor.

"Whatever you do, show no mercy. Show no signs of weakness. Fight as if it were your last battle." Theo told everyone.

"...They will pay for what they did." they heard from the background.

Stiles walked forward with his head facing the floor.

"I warned them to stay away from my they will pay the price...with blood..." Stiles muttered in a cold tone.

Everyone stared at Stiles and then looked at each other worried. There was a moment of silence between them before they spoke again.

The Phoenixies were charging at them. Theo led them in the front and everyone followed to meet them halfway. Everyone charged at them besides Stiles. He stood in place and watched as everyone else attacked without him.

Stiles observed as the fight began. Theo's shadow walkers attacked the Phoenixies from every angle. They worked together in groups just to try to take one of them down. The Phoenixies were twice their size, but they did slow them down and weaken them a little.

Kira, Scott, and Derek worked together as well. Derek and Scott tried to hold one down while Kira tried to find a weak spot to bury her sword in and kill them.

Theo was on his own. The way Theo fought was truly something that Stiles had only seen in movies.

He was taking two of them on at once. One of the Phoenixies tried to claw at him, but Theo had agility on his side. Theo grabbed the creatures hand and pulled it with force. Theo dragged it by it's hand and forced it to stick its claws into the back of another Phoenixies. The Phoenixies fell to it's knees as it felt the claws in itself. The other one tried to use its other hand to hurt Theo, but Theo moved out the way quickly. The creature's hand went through the concrete floor and got stuck. Theo placed his hand on the creatures arm and electrocuted the creature. He fried it to death. Theo just left them there for his ninjas to finish the job.

Even though everyone was working together and fighting well, there were still too many of them. Stiles saw that there were a few that were running towards him. Stiles smirked and got ready. Stiles jumped into the air and went down. He landed on one of them with extreme force. He cracked the ground as he landed on top of the creature. The creature died in an instant. Two others were heading towards him now and he picked up the lifeless body and threw it at them. The body hit them so hard that it slammed them to the wall. Stiles then aimed his hands at them and blasted fire at them. They screamed in agony as Stiles left their bodies to burn.

"Stiles look out!" Scott yelled.

Stiles turned to his left but was too late. All he felt was a giant impact against his body. Before he knew it, the wall was getting closer and closer. A giant rock had been thrown at him. It slammed him against the wall. Stiles heard his bones crack as he felt the pressure of the rock compressing him against the wall. This made him furious.

Stiles opened his eyes and a giant rush went from his toes to the top of his head. He removed the rock off of him to reveal who had thrown it. It was the leader of the Phoenixies. The one with the red armor. Stiles took a few steps and noticed that he was already completely healed.

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