The Wind Blows

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"No...No...No! No don't hurt them! Jackson! Scott! Dad! Run away! No!"

Stiles woke up to lightning and the rumbling of thunder outside his window. He jolted out of bed realizing that what he had experienced was only a dream. He rubbed his eyes while taking a deep breath. Tears cascaded down his cheeks. He had been crying in his sleep again.

Stiles had been having nightmares for the past week but told no one about them. He kept dreaming that someone or something was after him. They wanted Stiles to surrender something to them. Something that Stiles always had, but never knew he always possessed. Stiles didn't know what they wanted, so they threatened him with killing his loved ones. It was the same reoccurring dream over and over again. The sheriff was always working the night shift, so he had no idea of Stiles situation. Otherwise he would hear Stiles screaming in his sleep every night.

Whenever Jackson spent the night, the nightmares usually didn't haunt him. But every other time Jackson wasn't there, it felt like a never ending hell. Sometimes it felt as if it wasn't a dream. Some nights it felt as if he was living what was happening to him at that very moment. Everything was very vivid. As if he was actually running from something. He would wake up sore as if he ran ten miles nonstop the day before.

Stiles looked at the clock and saw that it was eight in the morning. It was a Saturday and he had plans to meet up with Jackson for breakfast at nine. Stiles just laid there while looking up to the ceiling thinking to himself. After a while, Stiles got up and got in the shower so he could get ready.

When he got out of the shower, Jackson texted him that he overslept and that he was about to hop in the shower himself. Stiles decided to take advantage of the extra time and catch up on some homework.

They agreed on riding together to breakfast just because they were already late. They had decided to take advantage of the day to plan out the whole Thanksgiving dinner at Derek's.

Thirty minutes had passed into their breakfast date at a local diner, and Stiles had barely touched his food. He was staring out the window observing as the raindrops crashed on the pavement outside.

"Stiles?" Jackson asked looking at Stiles.

"You alright? You haven't really touched your food. Something must be wrong because I know you love your bacon." Jackson said sticking a piece of the greasy meat in his mouth.

"I-I'm fine. Just overthinking things I guess." the  brown eyed boy replied.

"Are you sure? You know I'm here for you if you want to talk about it right? I'm not going anywhere." Jackson told him while reaching for his hand across the table.

Stiles smiled and nodded his head while he held his boyfriends hand. That was the first time he had smiled all morning.

Across the diner, there were some guys talking. They appeared to be high school jocks with their girlfriends eating breakfast. They had been staring at the couple giving them disgusted looks while making fun at them. Jackson heard them and so did Stiles, but Stiles just told him let it go and that it wasn't worth it.

By the time they got up to pay at the register, the jocks were still talking and staring at them. Stiles was getting a little irritated at that point. Jackson had to go to the bathroom real quick before they left. Stiles took a seat on one of the rotating chairs while he waited. The jocks got up to pay and were about to head out when they started talking out loud.

"Yo, let's get out of here bro. Never coming here again. Now that all the fags wanna come here to infest this place. We gotta find a new place to eat breakfast at. With normal people and not a bunch of freaks." one of the jocks said.

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