My cheeks were bright red by know but I ignored the last part, too embarrassed. "You always look at me?" I asked instead since I was slightly awed and a bit embarrassed since I do God knows what when I'm not paying attention.

"Yea, at school I would always look at you. You never noticed?" Camila cocked her head to the side. Looking really cute.

I frowned and shook my head. "No, not really."

"I guess I'm just that good." She chuckled. I playfully rolled my eyes and shoved her shoulder.

"Okay miss I'm so slick, I'm gonna shower so I need you to get that slick booty out." I patted the side of her ass, gesturing her to leave.

She nodded and hopped off. "It's almost 7 so you better hurry." She pecked my lips and walked out, closing the door behind. I quickly undressed and powered through my shower.

I got out and bolted to my closet where I grabbed the first things that looked well together. Shit, I should've laid out my clothes like I always do. I checked myself in the mirror making sure I looked okay before I heard Camila open my bedroom door.

"Hey I was wondering where you were." I said to her, still looking at her through the mirror.

"You look beautiful." She complimented smiling which made my heart leap, "and sorry, I made you breakfast in case you were hungry." She smiled slightly.

"You made me breakfast?" I asked in disbelief as I turned to face her. She's literally perfect.

A perfect wife.

Shut up Lauren don't think about that yet.

She nodded and looked confused as to why I was surprised. "Of course. You have to get proper nutrition and you're always running late and never do."

"How do you know I don't eat proper nutrition?" I teased and poked her stomach playfully. While kissing her cheek.

"Because you either don't eat anything or just grab in Apple, which you hardly even finish." She said in a know-it-all tone. I frowned my eyes and leaned back to look at her.

"Wait-how, how do you know I did that?"

Her face showed a bit of uneasiness as she was caught off guard but it was gone just as fast. She placed a smile on her face and grabbed my hand.

"Doesn't matter. We're running late so you should hurry and eat." She pulled me down the stairs and in the kitchen without another word. Completely ignoring my question. I decided to let it slide but why had Camila freaked out for a bit?

After I rushed through my food which was absolutely delicious. I quickly used mouth washed then we both headed out to my car.

"Ew school." I groaned getting in. Camila chuckled and climbed in as well.

"Tell me about it. I haven't been there in forever. I actually miss Dinah more than anything."

I smiled, "she misses you a lot too." I grabbed her hand and intwined them and began driving to school.

"What do you want to listen to?" I asked turning on the radio after silence over took us.

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