opening my eyes i see the twins jumping up and down on me and then i notice i never changed into pj's

"goodmorning boys! what's going on?"

"Aj is taking gonna spend the whole day with us!" alex answers

"Ohh yeah what are we gonna do?"

"He said shopping!"josh answers

"Yeah he's gonna take us shopping is that right?" well that would sound right he does have money since he got a full schoolar ship.

"When is he taking us?" i ask

"I think he said an hour so tweleve " josh answers

"Okay well go get ready! " i see them run out, i go to check my phone and notice that i did in fact have a 3  hour phone call with blake then as if my brain new i was tired i yawned 3 hours huh? i remember hanging up at around 2:50 so he just stayed on for ten minutes? oh well i was probably over thinking time fora  showwaa.

while getting dressed i picked out a nice oversized blakck and white fleece checkered shirt with a white f shirtand a pair of fitted jean with black combats, i put my hair in a messy bun witha few pieces hanging down did my usual makeup routine and grabbed my satchel out the my bedroom i went.

Six hours and 20 shopping bags later, i headed up to my room and put  the bags on my bed i grab my phone and notice  i had a new text.

"Wear something you'll be comfortable in angel eyes okay? - Blake

"aye-aye captain!"-Nikki

"see you at 8 ;)" - Blake 

instant butterflies, i decided to wear what i am wearing, because i was comfortable so i just touched up my make up. I had at least another hour to wait so i cleaned all my new close organized washed some of my new makeup brushes and watched a couple makeup tutorials on youtube. then i hear my doorbell ring. 

"Oh-kay nic, pull yourself together it's just two friends going somewhere nothing big"

"Nikki  a handsome young man is here for you"  she yells, thanks mom. i rolled my eyes

grabbed my keys, phone and satchel once i reached the bottom of my stairs and see my mom holding a bouquet of flowersaww he bought her flowers then i look over and see a handsom Blake with gelled up hair and black shirt and jeans  talking to my dad ohh boy quickly run over there.

"Hey Sweetheart"

"Hi dad, what's going on?" i ask 

"Oh nothing just talking to mr. williams"

"Okay well i'm gonna go say bye to my mom then we can leave sound okay?" i ask blake 

"Sure thing nikki" he sends me wink 

while saying bye the twins and my mom i see Aj talking to blake, and blake has a serious look on his perfect face. I look at my mom for help

"Alright Aj let's not scare nikkies date" 

"MOM!" i say feeling embarressed  

"It's okay Mrs.Miller" blake smiles at my mom.

"You ready Nikkie?" he asks holding out his hand for me to take 

"Yeah, let's go" i just stare at it then accept it and started walking out 

"Have a good time kids!" my mom yells 

"Not to good of a time!" my dad says before she closes the door on him.

while walking to his car i notice it's a different one this one is a black suv, he opens my door and i jump in  before he closes the door. 

"You look beautiful nicole" then closes it , instant butterlfies.

***30 minutes later**

"So where are we going?" i asked since were in the next city over

"i'm not telling you, it's a surprise"he says grabbing my hand to hold, feeling his hand against mine i just notice i feel warm and fuzzy.

"That's not fair!" i say scrunching my nose, he just laughs 

Finally we pull into a drive in movie theater he tells them number 4 and they give us our things and we start driving to theater 4 after finding a spot we both get out and he opens the trunk,i can't help but smile he has a blanket set up with pillows leaned up again the seats and a bouquet of tulips on my side. 

"Do you like it?" he asks looking nervous, i turn to him

"Blake this beautiful" is he looks up at me and smiles

once we get settled in he pulls out a big warm bag and pulls out two containters of pasta then two waters 

"Here you go angel"

"Thanks " as i accept it  looking confused

"W-what, what's worng?" he asked witha a shaky voice

"how did you know i like chicken alfredo " 

" you told me last night on the phone" 

after we eat the pasta the movie starts and it's the conjouring, nice  i love scary movies, as the movie start he pulls me closer to him so now were cuddling then he wraps a blanket around us and i  just felt on cloud nine. 

"This is probably the best date ever thank you blake" 

"just wait im not even done" he pulls out kit-kats and sour patch kids while eating it  a part int he movie makes me jump and i fell him comfort me buy pulling me in and i look up at him and caught him watching me, then i feel him rubbing circles on my hips and that send me through over drive  i fell ten times warmer but i get chills how can he have this affect on me. After the movie ends the other one starts by the time we start heading back to my house i see that it's 11:30 and we pull up at my house 

"Thank You again for tonight" i say quietly with my head down, i feel his hand bring my head up 

"You're welcome,so is it safe to say i didn't mess it up?"

"yeah you did a pretty good job" i said after he walked me to the door we just stand there looking at each other  right as he is about to kiss i hear

"Mom they're about to give each other cooties!" judging by that its' alex 

we just laugh, and he gives me a kiss on my cheek 

"Good night angel, i'll call you okay?" felling let down i open the door, after being trappled with like fiftty questions i go up stairs and feel my phone vibrate 

"Hey, what are  you doing tomorrow? :p "-Blake

"Hey yourself, and probably homework but after that nothing why?"- Nikki

"Would you want to hang out again?" - Blake

" yeah just call me tomorrow (:"- Nikki

"Okay good night angel 0:) "- Blake  

"Good night dork :p" - Nikki 

after that i went to change and shower  by now it's 12:00 i got into bed and hear my phone go off again but this time it's a call i look over  and blake is callign 

"Yes blake?"

"It's tomorrow, so what do you say about 8 tomorrow night we can hang out? "

"Yes good night though"

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