Chapter 22

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I kick at the Equalists as he puts me in the cell with Mum and Rohan. He throws me to the grown and locks the door.

Mum givens me a worried look and opens her arm. I crawl over to her and tuck myself under it.

"Are we going to be okay, Mum?" I ask her, my voice cracking. She looks down at me and a tears dance in her eyes but she puts on a smile and nods.

"we'll be perfectly fine, your father will help us and Korra is capable of bring this monster to the ground," she says her voice getting stronger as she speaks. Rohan giggles in her arms and we both look down at him, his green eyes staring at us.


My eyes shoot open, I look at the door and my father stands their in relief. I shake Mum awake and grab Rohan from her arms.

She gets up and follows me out of the cell. Dad hugs us and guides us out of the building.


We all stand behind Naga and unexpectedly I'm in a group hug. I hug my family back and I let a tear slide down my face.

We head down to the docks and to see the ships come into the harbour. I walk over to where Korra and Dad stand together chatting.

"Korra..." I whisper slightly. She turns to me and I throw my arms around her. She hugs me back then let's go, I settle back into the ground. "I'm so sorry..."

"It's okay, Nini. I unlocked my bending at least," she states. I roll my eyes and smile at her, she laughs.

"Yay, uncle Bumi's here!" Ikki yells. I look across the harbour to a ship with dragons on the front. An old crazy looking man stands on the front of it.

"Waaaaa-hooooo!" Is a mere whisper against the wind. I look up at Dad and smile amused at his expression.

"Great, I have to entertain my brother." Dad mutters, rolling his eyes. I chuckle at his face, I turn around and spot Bolin down the dock.

He makes eye contact with me and his face lights up. I sprint towards him and jump into his arms, he buries his face into my shoulder.

He places me on the ground and immediately kisses me. I close my eyes and kiss back, I feel everyone's eyes on us. We break apart and a blush comes into my face as well as Bolin's.

"Nini, now that this is over..." He scratches the back of his neck like he normally does when he is nervous.

"Will you go on date with me?" I question suddenly, taking him off guard. He looks at me shocked but gives me a goofy smile.

"Definitely." He answers. Everyone cheers,  Jinora comes up and drags me away from Bolin.

I look at her questioningly, she smirks up at me. "Where going to have to do your hair, pick a clothes...." She blabbers on. Mako had started talking to Bolin but he continued to stare at me.


I watch as Korra sits the bath as Gran tries to heal her. She had offered me but I would rather her spend as much time on Korra as possible.

Gran stops and looks down disappointed and sad. I turn away and stare at the wall for a matter of minutes.

I walk over to Korra and helps her out of the bath. We walk over to the door which Gran has just opened.

Everyone waits for us to walk out, they all look in dejected and down once they see our faces. I let go off Korra and walk over to Bolin, I grab his hand.

"I've tried everything in my power, but... I cannot restore Korra's bending." I look down sadly at Bolin, who looks back up at me.

"But you're the best healer in the world, you have to keep trying!" Lin persists.

"I'm sorry, there's nothing else I can do. Korra can still airbend but her connection to the other elements has been severed." Gran explains to her. I watch Korra as she gets more upset, she exits the healing room.

"It's going to be alright Korra." Dad states trying to calm her down.

"No, it's not!" She storms out looking angry. Dad looks at me and nods, Mako also follows her out.

I leave after him, once I get outside. Korra rides Naga into the distance while Mako watches her, I give him a sympathetic look and sprint after her.

I stay in eyesight of the pair and I try and speed up but I can't without my Air-bending. They finally stop on a cliff, I walk up to her and sit down next to her.

"You know, I look up to you." I state randomly. She looks at me from the corner of my eye. "I always thought it would be cool to be the Avatar but I knew I wouldn't cause I wasn't a water bender."

She starts crying and my method of cheering people up didn't work. Light footsteps come up to us.

"Not now Tenzin, I just want to be left alone." Korra says, wiping her face.

"But you called me here." I look behind us in shock. Grandpa Aang, stands behind us.

"Aang?" "Grandpa Aang?" Korra and I breathe in sync. He smiles at us.

"You have finally connected with your spiritual self." He states. Korra stands up in front of him.

"How?" I continue to stay seated in the cliff.

"When we hit our lowest point, we are open to the greatest change."

Avatars after avatars appear behind Grandpa Aang. Aang places his hands on Korra's forehead. All the avatars disappear, I sit in silence while Korra opens her eyes.

She is in the Avatar state, I shuffle away from the edge and Korra. She raises into the air with rings of air, fire, earth, the waves at the bottom of the cliff turn into huge waves.

She slowly comes down and spots Mako in the distance. She runs up to him leaving me alone, I look down the cliff.

"Nini..." Grandpa's voice says. I look up and stare at him, he floats on an airball just off the cliff. "Come here."

I look at him confused "in sorry Grandpa Aang but I'm not stepping off the cliff." He shakes his head and holds his hands out.

"Come here. Trust me." He whispers. I stand up and touch his hands, I take a deep breath and step forward of the cliff.

"Nini!" Someone screams. I fall down screaming and my hair whipping me across my face.

"Help me!"


The End.

Thank you for reading my first fanfiction! I really appreciate all your support and patient with this book.

There will be a seconded but I need a bit of a brake but please while your waiting check out some of our other books.

Thank you!!!


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