Chapter 18 - Curfew

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I stare at the three idiots that already sat on poor Naga's back. It was very obvious that this plan was not going to work but they were determined. Just because my grandpa used Appa does not mean Naga is going to be our team transportation. It already looked squishy and that was without Bolin or me on her.

"Naga away!" Bolin shouts as he jumps on the animal's back making her sit down as the four slides off her and onto each other. I cross my arms as I stare down at them with a satisfied look, they look back at me with playful glares before they erupt with laughter. 

"Alright, scratch that. Any other ideas?" Korra questions as she glances at her other friends. After a little while, we watched Asami drive the shiny black car in front of us. I stare at it in awe as the others looked excited. 

"You think this will do?" She asks, we all nod and start jumping into the car then we hit the road. 

"I like the new Team Avatar's style," Mako says impressed, I sit tight in the back making sure I won't fall out. Asami glanced at me in the rear vision mirror, she smiles slightly at my discomfort. 

"First time in a car Nini?" She questions. I glance at her reflection and shake my head as I grip the door. 

"First one with an open roof, I would much prefer an air bison right now." I squeak out. Mako rubs my hair with a small laugh, I glare up at him as I turn away. 

"Unit two-sixteen, cancel that ten fifty-eight at Harmony Tower. Come back to the station over." In the radio broadcasts, I see Asami's face drop slightly as she explains that her father had installed police scanners in all of his cars. We all stare at the radio as the call grabs our attention. "Calling all units, level four alert. Jailbreak at headquarters. Officers down, electrocuted. Chi blockers and equalists convicts are still at large armed and dangerous. Last seen heading easter. I repeat, level four jailbreak!"

Asami stops the car as a truck and multiple Equalists and motorcyclists rush through traffic. I sit up slightly as my grip on the car loosens, "Chi blockers!" I shout as  Mako calls out as well. Korra points them out, and Asami speeds the car up. 

 The car speeds up drastically and i feel like I'm gonna throw up.

We weave between spinning cars that have avoided the truck and motorcycles.

"Korra! Bolin! Give me a ramp! Now!" Asmai yells at them. I look ahead and a large truck now blocks our way, I close me eyes as Korra and Bolin stand up.

I feel the car go into the air and I felt faint, the car lands in the ground. I sigh in relief and slouch into the seat more.

The motorcyclists put glasses on and then smoke covers the front screen of the car. The almost black smoke had come out of the back tires of the motorcycles.

"Help me out! we gotta make this turn!" Asami shouts. I again hold onto the seat as Korra and Bolin earthbend a giant, angled turn.

"They don't know we made the turn. Okay, get ready" Asami says as me land safely in the ground, all of the team starts flinging Equalists in all directions.

Get slightly upset that I can't actually do anything except ride along. I feel like a burden since I lost my airbending.

An Equalist tries to pull me out of the car but I kick him in the head making him let go. I jump up and punch him across the face, he falls to the ground unconscious. I shake my fist cause of the pain the impact to his face made.

Once all the Equalists are taken out reporters and photographers gather around taking photos.

"What do you think your doing?" I turn to see Tarrlok stalking over Korra, he looks at little annoyed.

"Oh, Hey Tarrlok. Nice of you to show up finally. Here, we captured the escaped convicts for you" Korra says mockingly to to him. I smirk and walk over to the chat.

"What you did was read up the city and impede the real authorities in their pursuit of these criminals" He says angered by our actions.

"Hamza, that's funny" I start putting my finger on my chin. "I didn't see your little task force or the cops the whole time"

"If it wasn't for team Avatar, they would've gotten away" Korra finishes smugly while crossing her arms.

"this is your last warning. Stay out of my way!" He says pointing at her with fury. He turns backs and drives away from the chaos of reporters.


"Why is the power out?" I as we drive up to Equalists rally. As we pull up I see it's not an Equalist Rally.

"Wait a second, these people aren't armed or dangerous" Asami says confused.

"Sure doesn't looked that way" Korra states concerned. We look and see Saikhan speaking through a microphone.

"All nonbenders, return to your homes immediately" he orders. Cries of protest come from the crowd.

"Yeah, as soon as you turn the power back on!" A man yells.

"Disperse, or you will be arrested" Saikhan continues to outrage my friends and this crowd.

"You benders can't treat us this way" a woman says. She holds a child in her arms and one tugs on her skirt.

"Mummy, look! It's the avatar!" People turn and look at us then rush to where we stand.

"Please, help us! You're our Avatar, too!" The mother cries to Korra. I look across the crowd sadness, these poor people.

"Everyone, please stay calm. I'm gonna put a stop to this" she shouts to the crowd. She turns and look for something, well... Someone. "Tarrlok, you need to turn the power back on and leave these people alone"

"Avatar Korra, you and your playmates have no business here" Tarrlok responds sternly. I step forward.

"This is an Equalist rally" he points to the crowd of non benders. "There is nothing innocent about it"

"They're not Equalists, there normal people that want their rights back!" I yell at him. He glares at me but also ignore what I said.

"They are they enemy!" He turns to the metalbending officers. "Round up all these Equalists!"

The metalbenders move in forcing the people into groups. They then put large coils around them, I gasp as something wet goes around my wrist.

"What are you doing?!" I shout at Tarrlok. He has down the same with Asmai, he starts pulling us towards him.

"Hey! Let me go!" Asmai struggles.

"You're under arrest!" He shouts at us.

"What?, you can't do that!" Mako says pointing at Tarrlok shocked.

"Actually, I can. They are both non-benders out past curfew" I look up at him confused. "And this ones father is a known Equalist conspirator"

"I'm not a non-bender!" I yell at him furious. He looks down at me, a smug smile playing on his face. "I'm a airbender!"

"Then what can't you airbend?" He says. I look away tears prickle my eyes as I try to hold them back. "That's what I thought"

"Let them go!" Mako shouts furiously at him.

"Arrest him and his brother!" The councilman yells at the metalbenders. They put a cool around them and pull them in.

"Tarrlok!" Korra yells to get his attention. She earthbends to massive rocks beside her.

"Unless you want to join your friends in prison, I suggest you put those down and go back to the Air Temple"

"Korra, listen to him. It's not worth it" Mako says calmly. She reluctantly drops the rocks back down, we walk into the police truck.

"We'll be alright" Bolin calls out to her.

"Don't worry, I'll call Tenzin. He can get you out." She calls to us before the doors close. Then all you could hear was our breaths.


Master of Peace [Bolin]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora