Chapter 6 - Shady Shin

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3rd Person

Mako entered his and Bolin's empty apartment equipped with dumplings. "Bo, I'm back! Picked up your favourite dumplings." He falls onto the couch, tired from his day of work. He has been forced to take up more work to try and pay the large sum needed to enter the championship pot. "Hey, I found some work down at the power plant. Made some decent money."

He glances around the apartment, baffled by the silence. He sits forward and looks up into the loft, "Bolin? You here Bro?" He calls out. He smiles and turns to the window. He looks across the water to Air Temple Island, "I bet the little lovebird is making a house call."

He grabs a dumpling from the bag and gets up walking towards their small kitchenette. He starts brewing some tea and turns the radio on. He leans against the bench staring out the window at the Island, he takes small sips of his tea. His worry grew as the day grew darker, he sighs and rinses his cup. "I better check on them." 

He turns the radio off and exits his apartment. 

Korra practices her airbending techniques using the spinning panels. Jinora and Ikki watch her and give her advice, both younger girls turn to Mako who slowly walks towards them. Korra lands in front of them with her back turned to him, unaware of his presence. "Oh, he's cute. Korra is that the handsome Firebender boy that drives you crazy?" Jinora asks her.

Jinora and Ikki are helping Korra with the panels on the Island when Mako walks up to the girls.

"Ooh, he's cute, Korra is that the handsome firebender boy that drives you crazy?" Jinora asks with a sweet smile. Korra's eyes widen and she behind her spotting Mako. 

"Does he drive you crazy in a bad way? Or does he drive you crazy like you like him?" Ikki asks jumping up and down. Korra pouts and catapults the sisters into the air using her Earthbending. She quickly turns to the boy and coughs trying to cover up her embarrassment. 

"Oh, Hey Mako." She stutters attempting to act cool. The two Airbender girl's float back down to the ground giggling and whispering between each other. 

"You seen Bolin?" The Firebender asks her short and direct.

"Nice to see you too," Korra replies quickly, use to the dryness of Mako. She glances to the side, "No, I haven't seen him since practice nor Nini but she is usually meditating somewhere at this hour. Think something's wrong?"

"I don't know," Mako mutters shaking his head, he thought his younger brother would be with Korra and Nini but he's not. He keeps thinking back to the boys history with the Triad but Mako had told his brother not to mess with them. "Bolin has a knack for getting into stupid situations. See you later." 

Mako starts to walk away but Korra calls after him, "I could help you look for him." He brushes her off but she grabs his arm forcing him to stop and look at her. She smiles up at him, "Hey Cool Guy, let me help you. We can take Naga."

"Who's Naga?"

"My Best Friend and a great tracker," Korra says proudly before whistling, a large white mass rushes towards them. Mako hides behind Korra startled by the Polarbear Dog. He slowly comes out from behind the Avatar and Naga sniffs him. 

"Your Best friend is a Polarbear Dog, somehow, that makes perfect sense." Mako says turning to look back at his friend. Korra just kept amazing him. She hops onto Naga and Mako climbs up behind her, he tightly grips the back of her saddle. 

"I'll take that as a compliment, City Boy." Korra replies amused by his statement. They smile at each other and take off towards the ferry. 

After half an hour of searching around the city, they reach the statue of Firelord Zuko. Mako spots a group of kids messing around, Mako slides off Naga with Korra in toll. He looks back at the Avatar, "This is his usual hangout," He walks up the kids and one of the boys stop. "You guys seen my brother around here today?"

"Perhaps my memory's a little foggy, maybe you can help clear it up," The boy says signally for Mako to give him some cash, Mako rolls his eyes and pulls out his wallet. He places a note in the boy's hand, sarcastically complimenting the boy. Korra looks between them in disbelief. "Yeah, I seen him. He was here with a pretty girl in Watertribe getup." 

"What were they doing?"

"They were performing some kind of rat circus and then," The boy holds his hand out to Mako again who puts another note in it. "Shady Shin showed up and flashed some serious cash. Bo and the girl took off with him in his hot rod. The Triple Threats? The Red Monsoons, The Agni Kais? All the triads are muscling up for something real big. Now that's all you're getting out of me!" The boy exclaims running off with the other kids following him. 

Korra turns to Mako confused about what he was talking about with the Triads, "What's he talking about?"

"Sounds like there's a turf war brewing and, Bolin and Nini are about to get caught right in the middle of it," Mako explains. They quickly rush to Naga and start heading towards the headquarters of the Triple Threat Triad. "Hopefully Bolin and Nini are there and nothing's gone down yet." 

"I beat some of those yahoos when I got into town, why would Bolin get tangled up with-" Naga bolts forward chasing a small creature, Korra pulls back on the reins trying to stop the Polarbear Dog but it doesn't work. She rushes around a corner and the small creature climbs a lamppost, "Whoa, Naga!"

"That's Pabu!" Mako calls out leaning forward, they both stare at the Fire Ferret that watches it's attacker. 

"No, Naga! Pabu's a friend, not a snack." Korra says, Naga relaxes and the two creatures sniff each other. Pabu jumps onto the Naga's head and climbs onto Mako's shoulders. Korra and Mako share a look. They race to the headquarters and it was empty. Mako looks around suspiciously and cautious walks towards the front doors. 

"Something's not right, there are usually thugs posted out the front." He creeps towards and hides next to the doors, his eyes still peering around the area. "We better be cautious."

Korra, ignoring Mako, stomps up the doors and kicks them off their hinges. She enters the building and looks around, Bolin, you in here?" A truck engine roars out the back, the pair share a worried look before running out the back. Korra kicks the door down and they reach the alleyway, they turn to see a truck driving off. Korra and Mako stare in shock as they spot Bolin tied up in the back and behind him a sleeping Nini. Mako shouts after them as he realises the Equalists have kidnapped his brother and friend. "Naga, come!"

The Polarbear dog runs around the corner and the two get onto it attempting to race after the truck but to no valid. Mako and Korra sit together, extremely worried for Bolin and Nini.

Master of Peace [Bolin]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ