Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

This prison cell cramped and small, ugh.... I hate the police and stupid pTarrlok.

I was throw into a separate cell cause they said they wouldn't me, a daughter of councilman, to get changed into an Equalist.

"Master Nini, you are free to go" a Police Officer says. He unlocks the cell and walks me out to Korra and Dad.

"Dad!" I run up and give him a large hug. He rubs my back and moves me to the side of him.

"Are you going to release Korra's wrongly arrested friends?" He asks Saikhan. He shakes his head.

"They're not going anywhere. They were interfering with police business, Tenzin your lucky enough to get your daughter back to day. Take her home before I change my mind."

"Your so called police business was rounding up innocent people and claiming they were Equalists. They should be released, too" Korra points out. I would of said something but I say it's best to just be quiet.

"All Equalists suspects are being detained indefinitely. They'll be freed if and when the task force deems they are no longer a threat"

"Those people are entitled to due process under the law" Dad states.

"You'll have to take that up with councilman Tarrlok"

Dad points at him and says "oh, I plan to. At the council meeting, first thing in the morning"


It's snowing! Oh how I love snow!

I dance around while throw handfuls of the white ice into the sky. I fall to the ground and lay there, I was getting cover by little snow flakes.

I sneezed a little when one touched my nose, I took that as I sign that I should probably go back inside.

I walked around to the front of the temple but I was startled by Korra throwing open her window. I jump in surprise and walk over towards her,
She looks at me with a bit of amusement.

But soon her face turns to angry.

"Korra are you alright?" I ask her while climbing into the window. She shakes her head and walks over to Naga.

"Wake up, Naga" she squats down and whispers to her. "Let's go"

"Let's go where?" I ask walking up to the two of them.

"I'm going to see Tarrlok" she says determinedly. I put my hand on her shoulder and she looks up with surprise.

"We are going to see Tarrlok" she shakes her head and pushes my hand off.

"No you are staying, plus you look sick" she says. As if on queue I sneeze again, I roll my eyes and climb onto Naga.

"I'm coming and that's final" I say. She sighs and hops onto Naga in front me.

"Yip yip?" I say. Korra laughs and then we are off.


I slowly open my eyes, I was freezing cold and it was still night time. What happened?

I sit up and look around, I was laying in the snow on a small mountain. I could still see Republic city but it wasn't close.

I go to get up but my legs feel extremely numb, I couldn't t feel them at all. I get my arms and shake them up and down trying to get circulation back.

I start to get pins and needles which is a pretty good sign. I finally stand up and start walking down the hill, the question that's in the back of my head is why am I up here?

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