Chapter 2 - Oh Brother

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"You shut it off at the best part!" Korra shouts at my Dad. I stood awkwardly between the arguing pair. He had caught us hiding above some sentries who were listening to a pre-bending match. Something we were asked not to do.

"I thought I made myself clear girls, I don't want you two listening to this distracting nonsense," Dad stated calmly. I look down at the ground, I found it unfair that we couldn't watch pro-bending match. As Airbenders, it was our job to have balance within our own lives but it's quite impossible when were secluded to an island that was miles away from a united city.

"You said, we couldn't watch a match but nothing about listening to one." She argues and gestures towards the radio. Dad looked at them and his nose scrunched up. 

"You-" He grunted and recomposes himself, "You know what I meant! You two should be in bed." He gave us a final glance and stormed away as we watched him irritated and unconvinced. I sigh and turn to Korra, I say goodnight and head toward my room.

   I sit relaxed with my eyes closed and my family beside me under one of our meditation gazebos. The wind blew in the refreshing smell of saltwater and a restaurant ship nearby. Korra grumbles about doing it wrong. I open my eye and peak at Korra and my Dad. "There is nothing to do. Let your mind and your spirit be free." My Dad opens his eye and looks down at the Avatar. "For air is the element of freedom." 

Korra chuckles and I stop meditating. I rest my hands against my knees and look at her, "Is something funny, Korra?" She turns to me peeved. 

"Yeah! He is telling me to embrace freedom but won't let us listen to the radio." She complains gesturing to my Dad who just sits calmly. I agree with Korra but I don't believe she has embraced our techniques either. "Forget about leaving the island"

"Please Korra. Look at Meelo, he's able to meditate peacefully." Dad says. We all turn to look at the younger boy who had snot and little snores coming out of his nose. I laugh and turn back to my Dad telling him that he was actually sleeping. "What? Well, at least he had the relaxing part down." 

I stand up and say goodbye as I head inside to get some juice and a snack.

    I look at Korra enters my doorway with a bundle of clothes in her arms and a suspicious smirk on her face. She throws them in my lap and tells me to get dressed. They were Water tribe clothes, I hold one of the pieces up. It was a blue dress with fur linings. "Put them on so we- you can blend in." She orders before walking back in the hallway. 

I take my airbending robes off and slip into the Watertribe ones. I turn to look at the mirror, I tie my hair up letting a fringe fall across my forehead to cover my arrows. Korra steps back into the room and chuckles, "I look like Gran-Gran." Many officials have commented on my complexion. They always say I take after my Mum. A full face, and long brown hair that was shaved back to display my arrows. I grab my glider and turn to Korra with a smirk. "I guess I'll meet you there."

I leap out of the window and open my glider. I travel across the bay towards the pro-bending arena, it was only a matter of time before Korra attempted to see one. I look at the cars and people walking through the markets, she has always wanted to go to them and experience the cultures coming together. I dive down and land on a window sill, Korra was below me about to launch herself up. I step down into the hallway and look down each end. Korra lands next to me and Waterbends her clothes dry.

"You took your time," I say, smirking at the older girl. She pushes me playfully and starts walking up the hallway. I follow behind her blindly. We reach a large gym, we both glance around the room shocked. It was full of nets, weights, and other equipment. It looked like a playground. I turned and looked at a man who walked in. He had a towel wrapped around his shoulders and a naturally grumpy face. "Korra..." 

She turns to the man and we both stand there nervous. "Hey. What're you two doin' in my gym?" He growls looking at us, my eyes widen and I look at Korra for an answer. She steps forward and starts telling him we were looking for the bathroom and got lost. "Ah, the old 'I had to pee' excuse! I'm sick and tired of you kids sneaking in without paying." 

"There you two are! I've been looking everywhere for you guys." Everyone's eyes flick to the boy who just covered for us. He walked into the gym and placed his arm across Korra's shoulders. I put my shoulders back and look at the man confidently. "It's alright Toza, these two are with me." 

The three of them bitter for a few more seconds because Toza stalks off. The cute boy turns to us and gestures towards the hallway, "Right this way, Ladies." He motions for us to move and I walk quietly behind Korra who had a large smile plastered on her face. Korra thanks him and then whispers something in her ear. I stare at them with an awkward feeling in my stomach. 

Master of Peace [Bolin]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora