Chapter 17 - Team Avatar

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I stand outside of the Police Headquarters with Korra and Dad. A large crowd has gathered for the induction of Saikhan, the new police chief. 

"It was an honour serving under Chief Beifong for so many years and I wish her a speedy recovery. It is with great humility that I take her place as the new Chief of Police. Republic City is facing a threat like none the world has ever seen but there is one man who's been effective against Amon's revolution, councilman Tarrlok. This is why for all matters involving the Equalists, I will report directly to him." Korra, Dad and I turn to look at Tarrlok with surprise. "The police department will lend any and all available resources to the councilman and his task force" Saikhan slams his fist on the podium "until we quell this me insurgency"

"What is that weasel snake Tarrlok up to now?" Korra whispers to us, I nod staring at the scheming council-man. I could feel something bad was going to happen, sooner than later.  

I walk up to Tarrlok with my dad while Tarrlok shakes hands with the fire nation councilwoman. He turns to us with a smug look on his face. "Tarrlok, I don't know what you did to get Chief Saikhan in your pocket but I highly doubt it was legal," Dad says accusingly. I turn to look at Korra who has just joined us.

"Oh, Tenzin. Always the conspiracy theorist. Did you ever consider Saikhan simply recognises my talents and wants what is best for this city?" Dad grunts in disgust. Tarrlok notices Korra and decided to include her. "Well, Avatar Korra. Long time, no see. Now that your little pro-bending distraction is over, I look forward to your return to my task force"

She laughs "Forget it! There's no way I'm rejoining your vanity project"

"That is unfortunate to hear, but I'm sure you'll come to your senses as you have in the past" Tarrlok says.

"Don't hold your breath, bub" she points at Tarrlok. "You know, Tenzin's been right about you all along, you played me, you played Beifong and now you're playing the new chief too. Well, I got news for you. You need me but I don't need you. I'm the avatar"

"You're not, in fact, the avatar" I looked at him surprised. "You are merely a half-baked Avatar in training, which reminds me, how is your airbending going?" Korra looks down with defeat and growl at Tarrlok. "Made any significant progress with that? I mean now you have one less teacher because you wanted to be the city's hero, she is nothing now because of you. If you will not be apart of my task force, then you had best stay out of my way"

We watch him leave as my heart tries to burst out of my chest, he just said I was nothing. Was this how the city saw me, now that I didn't have my bending. A worthless person in the spotlight?

I sit with Korra staring out at the statue of Grandpa Aang. I turn to see Korra with tears in her cheeks, I lean over and give her a side hug. Tarrlok words were cruel and uncalled for, his power was getting to his head. 

"Korra? Nini? Are you out here?" I sit up and look into the trees as the voices of our friends come closer. I jump as Pabu jumps out of the bushes and wraps himself around Korra, he licks her tears away.

"Nini?!" I hear Bolin call out. I smile to myself and Korra turns to me with a smug look. I told her all about the kiss the other night and she keeps questioning how it's going but Bolin and I still haven't talked about it. Asami, Bolin and Mako walk into the clearing. Rabu jumps onto my shoulder and licks my face as I scratch his chin. He reminds me so much of Lena, I miss her so much. 

 "There you two are," Bolin says rushing up worried, we both stand up and turn to the boy. He takes hold of my shoulder and my face goes red. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Korra says acting normal. I glance at her and decide not to say anything even though I knew she was not alright but it wasn't my place to tell our friends. 

"Nini?" Bolin asks, I nod and smile at the boy. Something flashes in his beautiful eyes as a smile comes onto his face, his hand drops off my shoulder but his hand brushed against mine sending chills up my spine. He was being adorable. 

"Come on, what's wrong Korra? You can tell us" Mako asks persistently.

"How am I suppose to save this city when I can't even learn airbending?" She turns her head towards us. "I'm the worst Avatar ever!" She hangs her head down. "I just feel.... Alone"

"Korra, you're not a bad Avatar! You can water, fire and earth bend." I tell her smiling, "No matter what Tarrlok says you are the Avatar. I know you haven't been in touch with your spiritual side but remember you have thousands of years of experience and wisdom behind you." 

"Yeah and remember, Aang hadn't mastered all the elements when he was battling the fire nation. He was just a little kid" Mako points out. 

"And he wasn't alone, he had friends to help him. Look, the area might be shut down but we're still a team. The new Team Avatar!" Bolin pipes in.

"We got your back and we can save this city" Asami, Bolin, Mako and I put our hands on top of each other. "Together"

Korra stands up encouraged by our pep talk. "Yeah, let's do it!"

She places her hand on top of ours and then my little brother floats down onto our hands and farts. All of our eyes open wide with disgust and shock. He raises his arms smiling, "Yeah, let's do it!" He farts again and asks in confusion "What are we doing?" We all laugh heartily at my incredibly inappropriate brother. 

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