Chapter 4 - Patience

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Finally, I get to help train Korra. Dad had some duties with the council so I get to step in, I thought it would be good to start training with the Airbending panels. My siblings joined us to help show Korra and practice their own skills. I use my airbending to spin them, Korra attempts to enter but is hit straight out of the circle of panels. She huffs and gets back up. 

"Patience Korra!" I order as she rushes back into them but has the same issue. She tries multiple more times before she destroys them using her firebending. The shards of wood, land around us as my siblings and I stare in shock.

"That was a two-thousand-year-old historical treasure," I whisper. I could feel the wind around me growing stronger. I turn to the girl snarling and yell at her.  "What is wrong with you!" 

"There is nothing wrong with me! I've been practising just like Tenzin taught me but it isn't sinking in. Okay?" She lowers her head, I walk to her and place my hand on her shoulder. "It hasn't clicked like you said it would." 

"Korra, this isn't something you can force. You try to force the element to work with you but you must work with it. Trust it, if you would only listen to Dad and me..." I say. Her eyes snap to mine and she looks angry again. 

"I have been but you know what I think?" She yelled at me, I step back startled by her volume. "Maybe the problem isn't me! Maybe the reason I haven't learned airbending yet is that you two are terrible teachers!" She storms off leaving me standing the courtyard hurt. 

My younger brother turns to me and yells "Yeah. You're a terrible teacher!" I glance down at him and a tear rolls out of my eye. I stare at the ground as my sisters hug me comfortingly.

   I had been a few hours since the incident and I was yet to make up with Korra but I still went with her to the Arena. I was there to support the boys, we walked into the room and instantly felt the sombre aura. "You guys look like you lost already," I say, they turn to us and Bolin looked so sad. 

"We might as well have," Bolin says. A frown at the earthbending boy, he was always so light-hearted, so why the change?

"Hasook is a no-good no-show!" Mako explains. A referee enters the locker room and tells them they have two minutes to come out ready to play or they are disqualified. Mako sighs "Well, there goes our shot at the tournament and the winnings." 

Korra offers to enter the team for the game, they discuss it for a few minutes before the referee comes back. "Time is up. You in or out?" 

"We're in," Korra says excitedly. 

The first round was terrible. Everyone found out she was the avatar and then she got thrown from the field platform. Then she suddenly started dodging the incoming attacks with ease, using an Airbender technique. They somehow pulled through and won the match. I cheered for them as the walked off the field. "That was amazing guys!" I rushed up to Korra and hugged her much to her surprise.  

"What can I say Korra... You really came alive in that last round." Mako says apologetically. "The way you dodged their attacks... You are a natural."

"Thanks but I can't take all the credit." She turns to me and smiles. I smirk at her smugly and she ruffles my hair. "Someone else taught me those moves."

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