Chapter 15 - Betrayal

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Of course, I was annoyed that I had been brushed aside and left upstairs with the other three. I had every right to be down there with the others. We were just standing staring at each other when a loud noise echoed up the elevator shaft. We all look at each other before I slowly inch towards the hole trying to see anything. 

"What was that?' Bolin questions out loud. I shake my head and take another step while Mako and Bolin try to convince Officer Song to let us down in the tunnel. I turn to them as they glance at each other schemingly, Asami and I share a confused look. 

"Alright, we'll stay put but could we wait outside or something?" I turn to him annoyed, that they need our help down there and he is worried about his allergies. He raises his eyebrows at me and my mind clicks, he was trying to distract the officer. "It's so dusty in this workshop."

"No! We're waiting right here." Sing answers sternly. I sneeze and Bolin smirks at me, he steps in front of me and Bolin bends a rock behind the officer's foot before Mako sneezes sending flames everywhere startling Song. He trips on the rock and the two boys leap on him and then tie him to a barrel. It was one way to get us down there. 

"Sorry pal. We know you were just doing your job." Mako says giving him a sympathetic look. I just watch them amused by the plan, the two urchins must have a lot of tricks up their sleeves. Asami and I follow behind them as we walk toward the tunnel. 

"Yeah, just stay put until the chief comes back. That sounds very familiar doesn't it, why? Because you said it." Bolin teases the restrained officer as I giggle at his remarks. I watch Mako as he turns to his girlfriend. 

"Asami, you should stay here. Let us check it out." Mako states, that she tries to reason with him but he insists. I felt conflicted about the matter, she had every right to come down with us and see what her father has been doing behind her back. "I understand, that's why I'm going to go down and find out for you. Please." 

"Alright," She submits and takes a step back. I go to follow the boys but Bolin stops me. I stare down at him confused. 

"You're staying too." He tells me. I shake my head, since when did he become a protective boyfriend type. I defend my actions but just like his brother, he doesn't hear a word of it. He places his hands on my shoulders and my face heats up. "Please stay here." I glance back at Asami and she gives me a quick wink, I turn back to the green-eyed boy and nod reluctantly. 

"Good luck" "Be careful," We call after the boys before turning to each other. 

"Let's go," Asami says and I nod. "They need help and we aren't helpless just because we aren't benders. You're a badass peacekeeper who can flip like it's nobody's business and I've taken self-defence classes since I was six. We will save them." 

"That was an amazing pep talk, Asami," I state surprised as we walk into the tunnels. "Have you thought of motivational speaking?" 

"Stop it," She smirks pushing me lightly on my shoulder. We could hear crashing noises so our cautious walk turned into a heroic run. As we reached the area, we both looked on shocked, everyone was laid on the ground defeated while Mr Sato was in a large metal suit. Asami walks out and I follow behind me still shocked. I yell out as an electric shock forces me to my knees, she tries to help me but I tell her to stop or she will be hurt aswell. She turns back to her father.


"Sweetie, I wanted to keep you out of this as long as I could." I try and get up but I fall to my knees again. "But now you know the truth, please, forgive me, these people. "He points at the fire ferrets and me" these benders. They took away your mother, the love of my life. They've ruined the world, but with Amon, we can fix it and build a perfect world together. We can help people like us, everywhere"

He takes off one of his gloves and offers it to Asami. She looks at her father with uncertainty but takes a step toward him. She shakily takes the glove and slips it on, I look down at the ground while everyone else stares at her with sadness.

"Show us by electrocuting this Airbender," he says. My head snaps up and I hear Mako whisper 'No' as she takes small steps toward me. Her father follows close behind watching her every move, I stare up at her pleading for her not to. 

"I love you, Dad" She swings around and electrocutes her father. He falls limp onto the ground and an Equalist attacks her but is easily defeated by her.

"Let's get you up" she whispers as puts her hands under my arms and helps me up. I lean on her shoulder until I can stand by myself.

"Let's get out of here!" Mako yells. I look up and the tanks machine things have turned to us. I start running occasionally tripping on some loose metal.

We run through a large hole and Bolin earth bends it shut. We make it to the safety of the airship but sadly all the officers were taken prisoner by the equalists. Tonight was not a win.  

I sit next to Bolin while we travel over republic city, the people below us oblivious to the disaster that was tonight's raid. I glance between Mako and Korra as the pair finally makeup, my lips tugging at the sides. 

"Nini?" Bolin whispers to get my attention, I turn to him but his eyes avoid mine as he analyses his fidgeting hands. My mouth falls open to say something but he finally finds his words, "I asked you not to come down but you did anyway, and you got hurt."

"I know Bolin, but if I didn't it could have gone a lot worst," I state, his frown deepens but disappears as I place my hands over his. I search his face to try to see more of a reaction, "We could have lost Korra, I would have lost my father and I could have lost you."

He turns to me with surprise, I smile at him softly as he searches my eyes. He looked like he wanted to say something but wasn't so I turned to the large windows that were overlooking the city. I feel him shift next to me as his hand clasps around mine, "Nini..."

I turn back to him and suddenly his lips are pressed against mine. My eyes stay open for a moment before closing and leaning in. My free hand moves to his side while he finds my cheek. As quick as the moment started, it finished and we were two teenagers blushing over each other.  I turn to the windows in shock as he looks at the ones on the opposite sides, my heart was beating a million times a second and my face felt like it would melt at any moment. I just had my first kiss with one of my best friends. 

Lin walked past with a smirk as she glanced between Bolin and me. My blush deepened until I felt Bolin intertwine our fingers forcing me to look at him once again, we both stared at each other with bright smiles and red faces. 

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