Chapter 1 - Master Nini

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I sit at the table my fingers tapping impatiently against the wood. The lastest pro-bending matches have been published in the newspaper, Korra was the first to grab the paper. "-And, in the final round, the Buzzard Wasps won with a decisive knockout!" 

Korra has been living at the Air temple with my family for a couple of days now.  Before Korra arrived it was just me and younger siblings. Jinora and Ikki, my sisters and Meelo, my dreadfully annoying brother. They are all great company but they can get on my nerves. 

My name is Nini, I'm the eldest daughter of Tenzin, a councilman of Republic city and leader of the Air nation. My father is the youngest child of Aang, the previous Avatar before Korra. My grandfather passed away before I was born but I'm always reminded of my likeness to him, this created a relationship between us. To carry on his mission, I trained with great dedication until I was finally made an airbending master. My father and I are the only ones in existence, soon my siblings will join our ranks and then our families.

Korra glances at Dad, "What do you say? We go to the arena tonight and catch a few pro-bending matches?" My eyes dance between girl and man, as the question hangs in the air. 

I turn to my Dad and press my hands together "Please Dad! I have heard they're really fun."

"That sport is a mockery of the noble tradition of bending," He responds automatically, Dad has never been the most exploratory man when it comes to new age events. Much to my previous protests about not being allowed to attend the pro-bending matches, he has stubbornly held onto his traditional rules. I lean back in my chair, my arms finding themselves across my chest. 

"Come on, Tenzin!" Korra continues allowing only a trace of irritation to lace her tone. There was no way he was going to budge, I've used her tactics before. All in vain. I was excited when I was told Korra was coming to live with us because I thought I might gain extra freedoms with my father's attention focused on Korra but it seems the opposite has happened. 

"Korra, you're not here to watch that drivel, you're here to finish your avatar training." Dad glances at me, "I will not let you affect my daughter negatively. So for the time being, you'll both remain on the island."  

I sigh and push my bowl away, Dad watches me as I wander outside. My blood was boiling but my years of training gave us the ability to suppress our negative emotions. The sun warms my skin as I enter the green dominated garden. I leap into a tree and sit down, my legs hanging freely. A white flash passes me, I giggle as Lena, my ring-tailed flying lemur glides onto my lap. 

"Hello Sweetie, you want to go have some fun?" I question, she jumps off me and guides over to the roof. I smile as she glances back at me, signalling for me to follow her. I leap onto the roof, we run along it passing the populated courtyard. Korra, Dad, and my siblings train within it. They were practising meditation, an important part of the Airbending culture. I sneak above a single White Lotus sentry,  I call out and he looks around confused. I move to a different position and shout again, he glances at my previous position. Lena clicks next to me, she runs down and jumps on him. 

"Nini, leave the man be!" My father bellows from the courtyard, I sheepishly land on the ground and turn to him. The sentry's ears grow red, he smiles at me as I stick my tongue out at my father. 

"I'm sorry sir for disturbing you." I apologise, he nods his head and my eyes brighten. "Thank you, most of the sentries get grumpy at me, what is your name?" 

"Loki," He stutters, he grunts and repeats his name more clearly. I smile and wave to him as I runoff. Lena follows behind me in tow, I run into the tower passing my Mum, Pema. She was a non-bender and it is a surprise that none of my siblings are non-benders. My uncle Bumi is a non-bender though his parents were an Air-bender and water-bender couple.

She laughs at me as she clutches her stomach. My parents were currently expecting their fifth child in the next few weeks. The tension in the household was building as we all prepared for the arrival. The air acolytes were very supportive and helped raised the new generation of air benders. Taking care of us when our parents were busy or when we went away for holidays. I enter my room and jump onto my bed, Lena lands on top of me. I chuckle and push her off, she shrieks and flies out the window. I slide over and watch her dancing around in the air doing flips and spins. 

As the sunset, I decide to go for a stroll outside while the light still touched parts of the city. I exit through the kitchen, "Airbend!" I hear someone shout as the fresh air hits my skin, I wander over to the voice. I found Korra yelling at a piece of paper, her patience on the brink. She tries again and explodes in anger. "Maybe I'm just not cut out to be an Airbender, Naga." 

 "You just need to practice," I say, she jumps startled by my presence. She looks at me defeated, I sit down on a box and watch her. "I'll tell you something that has never reached the ears of a person off this island."

Her face lights up and she moves closer, my statement piquing her curiosity. "What is it?" 

"Everyone thought I wasn't going to be a bender because I just couldn't. Nothing ever happened when we trained nor when I was by myself. I almost gave up until I had an accident." She looks at me surprised. "I was playing around near the cliffs when I fell, I made the split decision movement that saved my life. I Airbended" 

"Now you're a Master" She sighs, I stand up and put my hand on her shoulder. She looked at me with a glint of hope in her eye. 

"Hey, I know where we can listen to a pro-bending match. Follow me," I motion for her to follow after me, I wander to where three White Lotus gather. Moving to a new place away from your parents to train for something you can't even do yet, it must be hard. I may not be able to get her into a pro-bending match but I can at least help her hear one. I leap on top of the gazebo and we lay down, the radio was the perfect volume for us to here. 

"Ladies and gentlemen! I'm coming to you live from Republic City's pro-bending arena, where tonight the best in the world continue their quest for a spot in the upcoming championship tournament. Grab your snacks and grab your kids because this next match is going to be a doozy." The commentator beams through the radio.

"This Mako's got moxie! He advances, fires two quick shots. Yomo is hammered back to zone three! The clock is winding down, can Yomo hold on? He is teetering on the edge of the ring now. The fire ferrets line up to -" 

"Korra, Nini come down here please!" My father orders, Korra and I share an irritated glance. We climb down onto the ground. Dad stands in front of us, his arms crossed against his chest. 

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