Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

I run over to Mum as she bends over in pain, I rub my hand on her back trying to sooth her.

"Pema, are you alright?" Asami asks grabbing her shoulder. Mum nods slightly and stands erect again, well as much as she can.

"The baby is... Just kicking, really hard. I'm fine" she says to Asami. We were in the kitchen washing the dishes and helping Mum as she is getting bigger.

"Do you want me to get Dad?" I ask her. She shakes her head and waves me off.

"No reason to worry him, it's nothing"

We turn to look at Mako who just came rushing into the kitchen with a teapot.

"Can I get some hot water? Korra needs more tea" he says. I roll my eyes slightly at his reason and continue to wash a plate.

"You're a firebender. Boil it yourself" Asami responds angrily. Mako, Mum and I look at her with confusion as she continues to wash a dish.

"I'm- we're gonna step out in case you two want to talk" Mum says pulling on my shirt. I get it and follow her out of the kitchen.

"Well that was interesting..." I say letting out what I was thinking. Mum nods at my statement. "I have to talk to Dad!"

"Why can't you talk to me?" She asks. I grimaces, I haven't really been spending much time with Mum.

"I'm sorry Mum but it's about air-bending" I say awkwardly. She nods in understanding but still looks slightly hurt. "How about later on I can come and tell you about the kiss?"

"I would love that!" She squealed like teenage girl.
"Dad... I went to the sprit world when I was in mountains" I say looking down at the ground. It stayed silent and I looked up, he looked extremely surprised. "Uh... Dad?"

"That's Amazing!" He says grabbing me and swinging me around. I let out a hearty laugh as he places me back down. "Tell me all about it!"


I told Dad everything that happened in the sprit world and he was extremely interested. We walked through the court yard as I told him more.

Lin comes up behind us, I knew Dad wanted to talk to her but I don't know what about...

"Lin, um, I- I need to ask you a favour. It would mean the world to me... But I know it could be a-a potentially awkward situation; furthermore-" Dad says stuttering. I hold in a laugh, he was being nervous around Lin.

"Spit it out already!" She orders sternly. I do let out a laugh this time, Lin gives me a small smirk which I return.

"Will you stay here and watch over Pema and the children while I meet with the council?" I look at him surprised. He is asking his ex, to watch over his wife and children? "With everything that has happened lately, I want to be sure that my family is in safe hands"

She places a hand on his should "Of course I'll help, old friend"

I chuckle as Mum walks out holding my little brother in her arms. She looks suspiciously between Lin and Dad.

"I didn't realise you two were out here" she says. I just smile at Mum and laugh slightly.

"Pema! Ye-yes- yes, Lin has agreed to help out around here and keep an eye on things while I'm away" Dad says. Mum gives her a wide smile.

"Thank you! I could use the extra pair of hands" she gives Meelo to Lin 0would you mind giving him a bath? he's filthy"

Meelo sticks his tongue and blows a raspberry at Lin while laughing.

"This is not what I signed on for!" Lin yelled to Dad, who had just mount Oogi, while holding Meelo away from her.

"Thank you Lin! Oogi, yip yip" Dad take off and I turn back to Lin.

"I gotta Poo!" Meelo yells. I laugh and step towards her to take Meelo from her. "Really Bad!"

Meelo grunts and I pick him away from Lin and run into the air temple.

"Excuse me?" I say running after a nurse. She turns and looks at me, I pretty much shove Meelo into her hands. "I'm really sorry but can you clean Meelo up?"

"Um-" I cut her off by yelling 'thank you' and running back to my room.


"All right kids, time to go inside" Lin says. Korra, Bolin, Mako and Asmai rush out while my siblings walk back in.

"We heard explosions, what's going on?" Korra asks.

"Republic city is under attack" I says to them. I look up and look at all the Equalist airships.

"We have to help!" Mako shouts. I start sprinting to the boat and jump in. I knew the others would follow.

We dock and get off the boat running off the wharf.

"Where did you say you parked the car?" Asami asks Korra. Who let Korra drive?

"It's right around here somewhere" she looks around for a moment and spots it. "There it is"

We all run over and only then donk notice what happened. It was crashed into a pole.

"Wow, nice parking job" Asami states sarcastically. I laugh which gets me a sharp look from Asami and Mako.

"Hey, you guys got arrested and left me alone with the car! I made it very clear I don't know how to drive" she says in her defence.

"Very clear..." I say nodding while staring at the car.

"All things considered you did a great job!" He picks up the parking tickets on the windshield "but how are we going to pay for all these parking tickets?"

Mako grabs them and burns them, Bolin then gasps in horror. "Relax the city is under attack. The police have more important things to worry about"


Sorry I didn't update when I promised. I'm starting to feel really bad that I can't keep the promises that I give.

I had to work on maths homework cause I'm having trouble. But I won't have to do that so I will!! Do another chapter this week.

Again I'm sorry and I how you forgive me

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