Chapter 22

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L was still confused with the name. So, he asked Kangwei to show him his picture.

Kangwei handed L the picture. If only you can feel what L felt, no need to think, it's Kris! L looked at the little boy who was playing with his toys.

"Is he your son? " asked L. He held the boy's hand.

"Yes, he is.  " Kangwei giggled. She pat her son softly and returned to the conversation.

After the meet, L instantly went to the Analysis Area to find out if there any fingerprints.

"Detective Kim Myungsoo, Case #423. " introduce L at the counter. the worker point at a room that nearby.

L entered the room and asked about the axe.

"We've found two different fingerprints and we're now still searching the owners. " said a worker.

"I've found it! " another worker yelled slowly but still can been heard. L walked quickly to him.

"First fingerprint was Kim Jongdae's. And the second was Wu Yifan's. " said the worker. That way, L knew that Kris murdered Dino.

"Make a copy on the file. I'll be back. " L eft Analysis Area and go to his meeting room.

In the same time, Others returned. They gathered around at the meeting room.

L rushed in the meeting room. All if them startled. He looking for something in his locker.

"Yah! Myungsoo-ssi, what are you rush for? " asked Siwon, closing the case's file.

"I've spotted two suspects. I'll be back. " L grabbed his laptop and went back to the Analysis Area.

He took the result's copy, thanked the staffs and returned back to the meeting room. Much works isn't?

"Myungsoo, what are you talking about just now? Suspects?" asked Baekhyun, turned to L as soon he entered the room.

L pulled out a white board. "Finally, we have suspects. " L stamped a paper that show Chen's profile, soon Kris's.

"First, Kim Jongdae, 25, he had a brother which studying overseas. He had a bad background of family, so that mean he not raise well by his parents." explained L.

"And second we have a Chinese, Wu Yifan. He had a wife and a son. I've meet his wife just now. " said L. He stand his hands on the table. Siwon glared at him.

"H-his wife? H-here? " asked Baekhyun. L nodded. "He told her that he worked with us. But he IS working with us, so she came here. "

"Look at our good boys here. Very well. " praised Siwon. L bowed to thank him.

"Isn't Mrs Shim Hyekyeo is on the list? " asked Mina.

"No, we can't prove that she is abeting with them. " L hugged himself.

L suddenly remembered something. "Wait, yesterday's call. "

"Mina, did you checked the order online? " asked L, approaching her.

"Huh? Yes, I did. But, I didn't know what's his buy. " said Mina. She opened her laptop and find the file. She showed it to L. Siwon and Baekhyun joined them.

"Okay, that's freakin' me out. " said Siwon, glaring the laptop's screen.

"Yeah, the things too dangerous and powerful. " Baekhyun straighten his body.

"Oh? What's this? " whispered Mina. An article just showed up in the Internet. Mina programmed her computer to notify her if an article just showed up like this.

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