Chapter 4

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L walked in his office...he sat in front of his laptop...

"Detective Kim! Check this out... " said Baekhyun who suddenly walked to his table...

"Mwoya...? " asked L..Mina who was near them joined...

"If we rewind those serial killers' victims...we can see a pattern... " explained Baekhyun...

"Pattern? " asked Mina...

"Look at this... The first victim was Kim Wonjung... son of Daguk Company...he died on 5 February..and check this out... " Baekhyun took out an old newspaper...

"A tons of citizens get skin problems after using Daguk's products... "

"This newspaper was from 27,the might planned to killed them... all the victim murdered 9 days after the articles released... " said Baekhyun again...

"And the latest victim, Im Nayeon...daughter of WQ..she died 3 days ago..." said Baekhyun..

"And the articles about WQ's rating crisis was last week... " said Mina...

"So,we can find the next victim using the articles... " said L... he got an idea...
"Mina-ssi... find articles for company..." commanded L... Mina moved quickly to her computer..

"Baekhyun-ah...find some helper... " commanded L again...Baekhyun do the same thing as Mina...

"I'll call the Protection Program..." said L confidently...

After L called the protection program... Mina saw an article in the internet..

"Yah! Myungsoo! Come here... " yelled Mina slowly...

"Mwoya? " asked L while walking quickly to Mina...

"An acticle came out a few minutes ago... " said Mina while she clicked on the article...

"Kangjoo Fashion's heir will having her 20th birthday party at Lexus Hotel... " said Baekhyun who suddenly appeared behind them... Mina and L was very startled...

"Yah! Can't you come here slowly?! " said Mina then she slapped Baekhyun's shoulder...

"Mian...Mian... "

"Mina...find her profile.. " said L...

Mina's fingers were busy typing on the keyboard... and they found what they find...

"Her name is.. Oh Hayoung...And her birthday was...9 days left.. " said Mina...she leaned comfortablely on her chair after tired typing...

"It's enough time to the murderers...and so us... " said L...

"Wait...if it's a heir's birthday...just the invited can go then... " said Baekhyun...

"Let's talked to the CEO... " said L...


A few hours later, they went to meet the CEO...

"That lame reasons... my daughter was in dangerous? Are you insane? " said the CEO...

"We've investigated it...and the next target was your daughter... " said L politely...

"Get out...." said the CEO...

L had to get out or the CEO will get madder...

"How was the... " asked Baekhyun...

"A failure.... " L just walked through them...


"What's this...? " asked Sehun when someone gave him a card...

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