Chapter 11

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Tao opened his mask... he looked at the scars that were on his face.. looking that thing made Tao memorized his dark past...

The time when Tao was a newbie..

"Huang Zi Tao, why did you wanted to join us...? " asked Kris... when Tao was a newbie...

"I just have dark side in my blood... " that deep words was totally freaking them ot... soonly, Tao was accepted to join them...


L walked into the kitchen and cooked their breakfast.. Kei still in her dream on the couch.. after he done cooking, he went to Kei to wake her up..

"Jiyeon-ah...wake's morning..." said L...Kei still in her dream..

"Kim Jiyeon-ah! Wake up.. " scolded L softly... he noticed something wrong at Kei...

L felt Kei's forehead...actually, she had a fever..

"Maybe because she fell asleep in the rain... " guessed L...suddenly, his phone rang.. L quickly picked it up..



"Mom! It's had been a while, right.. how are you two there..? " greeted L to his mom..


"I'm fine here.. but Jiyeon-ie... she had a fever today.."


"Jinjja.. ?! You're visiting us next week? " L smiled....he looked at Kei..


"Geuraeyo.. we'll take you at the airport.. " L ended the call while non-stop smile...

In the same time,Kei woke up from her sleep..she was blanked with the situation..

"Oppa...Waeyo? " asked Kei.. she looked at her brother who acted weirdly..

"Mom and Dad will visit us next week.. " L became normal back...

"Jinjja?! " Kei asked it softly..

" had fever... don't attend any lecture today... I'll tell Sehun about this.." said L... he ran upstairs to get ready for sent Kei to the hospital for her fever..

"Jiyeon-ah...get ready.. we're going to the hospital... " said L while ran upstairs...

Kei lazily get up and walked upstairs and heading to her room...get ready and they went to the hospital...


Kei and L waited at the hospital's pharmacy to get Kei's the same time,Tao was there for his scars..he sat at the corner of the room so no one notice him there...

"Huang Zi Tao..." the nurse called him... Tao a bit startled...he worried if Kei and L noticed him there..

Lucky Tao,Kei was wearing earphones and L was talking to his phone.. Tao quickly walked to the counter and left without nobody noticed...

After taking Kei's medicine... she went home and rested alone..L gone to work..

Tao had no time to played-around... he had to train his martial arts for the murder... he quickly returned to his lair and trained..

The day is today! The day when the murder will happen and Kei's and L's parents are visiting theme.. so,those six were at the airport so are Kei and L..

"Flight from Australia to South Korea had arrived.. " the announcement make Kei getting happy to see her parents..

Tao was in his position.. ready to kill Yeonji... she walked out from the platform and walked to took her bags...

On the time, Yeonji was waiting for a elevator... the place was quiet.. a tall man in black (Kris) walked to her mysteriously.. he stood right beside Yeonji... until the elevator opened,Kris killed Yeonji with a small knife with a poison on it's eye...

Yeonji fell down... suddenly, Kei saw the incident.. she gasped.. Kris heard her gasped looked at her... Chen who was walked out from the elevator lifted the body into their van..

Kei realized that Kris saw her... Kris walked to Kei slowly... in a light speed,Kei ran outside and find L who was with their parents ...they were waiting Kei at the car...

Tao was heading to their van then hw saw Kei ran quickly at the far...Tao hid from Kei... at the back,Kris chased Kei and at the front, Xiumin was in his car to cause Kei in an accident ..

In the light speed,Xiumin drove his car toward Kei and pushed Kei away making she fainted on the ground... her head bleeding and its was around her...

Kris and Xiumin ran to their van and ran away after the body was loft inside the van... Tao gasped secretly when he saw the incident..


"She might don't remember the what happened because of the hit.. " said a voice...

Slowly bit of light seen by Kei,she opened her eyes and firstly saw the doctor who looked at her...

"Mom? " said Kei... Kei's mom looked at Kei..

"Jiyeon-ah...I'm so worried about you... What's happenes,honey?" Said Kei's mom while hugged her...

"I....I can't remember anything.. I just remember that...... " Kei suddenly knew something, L sure that was those six..

"I just remember... I saw an elevator opened,a woman laid down and a tall black man.. " said Kei... L moved backwards and hit the bed...

"I've knew it... it was them.. " said L...

"Mworago? " asked his dad...

"The serial killers which I investigated.. " explained L...

"Jiyeon-ah.. are you sure that you can remember anything else..? " asked her Mom... she shook her head..

"So,if Jiyeon remembered them...Jiyeon can be a truthness..? " guessed her dad..
"You're right... Jiyeon is the only evidence that we know... " replied L...

A few moments later,Sehun and L's teammate and arrived...

"Yah.. what's happened? " asked Sehun,running towards them...

"Kei had an accident... unfortunately, she can't remember who did it.." L explained..

"I'm okay... it just a lil' crack... " said Kei..

"How can I be okay... ? You had an accident... who will play video games with me later? " joked Sehun...

"How can you joked about that... Jiyeon-ie maybe in danger now.. " L slapped Sehun's shoulder...

"Jinjja...?  Mianhae.. " Sehun held his head and showed his teeth shyly...

"Just put Jiyeon at the protection programme..just in case,she can be the next target... " said L...

"Myunsoo-ah...We'll go to check in the hotel... we'll see you at dinner... " said L's dad...L parents left immediately after Kei can return home...


Those six arrived at and abounded park beside Han River... they steped out from the van and lifted Yeonji's body...

"Geurae...just leave her here... " said Chen...

"Andwae... just leave her in the river... all the evidence will gone... " said Kris... he lifted the body and threw it into the water...

"We're done here..." they get into their van and drove away...


Tao went to his home.. he walked along the basketball court... He tried a few shoot and sat at the stairs...

Sitting there making Tao remembered his moments with Kei...

"Tao-ssi.. you're not a bad guy,right? "
"It's none of your business.. "

"Then I said that is a yes... "

"Jiyeon-ah... I'm very sorry... since the day we've know each other,I lied to you...No,I'm a bad guy..."

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