Chapter 2

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L stepped out from his car and walked quickly to the incident's place...he checked the body and investigated what way she died..

"When do you think she died..? " asked L to his team...

"Maybe last night... it's looked new..." said Mina..

"We thought she killed herself... " said Baekhyun...

"Her profile...? " asked L...

"Im Nayeon.. 20,WQ's CEO's daughter..." explained Baekhyun...

"Nayeon?... " the name sounded familiar for L...

"You knew her... ?" asked Mina...

"My sister's friend... " L looked at the ground...

Suddenly, L saw something strange at Nayeon's hand...he looked carefully...

"Wait...what's this.. " L took Nayeon's wrist and wiped it..

"It's fighting's sign...she not killed herself... someone made her 'killed herself'..." said L again...

"Those men..right?" asked Mina...

"I guess... " said Baekhyun...

"Minah...investigate the neighborhood...take all information that they know last night.. " said L...

"Baekhyun.. check the CCTV record around here... check if the murderers were those man..." said L again...

They get up quickly and do what L said...while they doing their work,L met Kei to ask more..

" you have time? I need to talk to you..." said L..

"I just have 20 minutes before my next lecture..." said Kei... she looked at her watch...

"I'll go there... don't go anyway.. it's important.. " said L... he immediately ended the call and get into his car...

L arrived there in a few minutes later.. he saw Kei at the main entrance...

"Jiyeon-ah! " yelled L...he waved to Kei slowly... he stepped out from his car and met Kei...

"Oppa.. what happened...? " asked Kei...

"Nayeon.... she... "

"Why with Nayeon? " asked Kei again...

"She died last night... " L spit it out... he looked at the ground..

"Mwo....mworago...?" Kei can't believed what his said...

"The cause... we don't know yet... we founded her at this morning.. and I'm so sorry for her go..." said L again...

Kei's eyes filled with tears... her bestfriend died last night and there is nothing she can do...

"Jiyeon-ah... I'll investigate it carefully... I'll find the murderer..." promised L...he hugged his sister tightly...

"Is there anything that she told you yesterday? Anything similar with this situation.." asked L..

"She said that her dad was too busy since his company was holding a crisis...she was too lonely at home... and she felt useless... " Kei wiped her tears and tried to stop crying...

"Mianhae.. Oppa... please find the murderer... " she left for her lecture... L get into his car..

L's phone rang... a call from Baekhyun..

"Hyung... all the CCTV was broke down last night... " said Baekhyun...

"Mwoya? " asked L...

"Its broke down suddenly...last night.. " said Baekhyun again...

Beauty and the Beast [Tao X Kei]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora