Chapter 5

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Tao walked out from his house and went to his 'lair'...Chen and Kris were already there when he opened the door...

"Yah! Where did you go last night? " asked Kris... he gave Tao a file...

"I had a problem... " said Tao shortly... he opened the file and looked the insider...

"Who's this...? " asked Tao... he took the picture inside the file...

"Next victim... " said Luhan who walked in from the door behind Tao...

Tao read the profile carefully... then he put the profile on the table....

"Where is Mr. Kim?" Asked Luhan... he sat on a table...

"Mollayo... last time I've seen him was last night... " replied Chen.... he put in his lollipop...

"Now...we just wait him bring our new weapons and done our job..." said Kris... he looked outside of the window to check of Woojin is here....

A few minutes later...Xiumin and Lay arrived there....and finally Woojin arrived....he brought two big bag and put it on the floor....

"Don't use sharp weapons this time..." said Woojin...

Kris took the bags and opened it... he took out things in it..

"Bomb?" Asked Kris right after he took out the bomb...

"Just use it....plan yourself... I don't have much time to spend here... " said Woojin ...he walked out and drove his car away....

" we going to do it...?" Asked Chen... he stared at the bomb carefully..

"Wait..... " Tao approached the bags and looked them carefully...

"Yah....there's a plenty of sizes here... " said Tao... he took them out at checked it out..

"You're right... but, how we supposed to do with other after it's over? " Xiumin joined Tao with the bags...

"Just keep it then..." Lay sounded....

Suddenly,Tao get up and walked to the door...

"Yah! Where did you want to go?" Asked Luhan...

"It's none of your business... " Tao pushed the door and put his hood on...

"Actually, I don't understand him..." said Kris...

Tao walked along the street and went to the basketball court... then he saw Kei was leaning at the pole...

"Yah! What are you doing here..? " asked Tao... Kei who was leaning at the pole was startled...

"I'm looking for science project not done yet..." said Kei...

Tao opened his hood and squated in front of Kei....

"Yah! Just get ready quickly... " said Kei.... she took her laptop and turned it on...

After they finished,Kei sat on the corner alone.... Tao just continued playing...then,he gone for a while... Kei just look from her eyesight...

"Yah! Are you looking for me?" Asked Tao who suddenly appeared behind her....
"Aah! You almost gave me heart attack..!" Said Kei... she slapped Tao shoulder...
"Mian...mian... here... " Tao gave her a cup of coffee...

"When did you bought these? " asked Kei.... she tasted the coffee...

"It's none of your business... " said Tao....

"Yah! I'm not joking... tell me the truth... " said Kei...

"Huh...I bought it just now okay..." Tao gave up...he stared at Kei secretly...

A moment then,Kei noticed that Tao kept staring at her...she looked at Tao...
"Yah! Stop staring at me..." said Kei...

"Who staring at you..? Shameless... " scolded Tao.... he turned his face forward...

"Yah...Tao-ssi...can I ask you something...? " asked Kei...

"What is it...?"

"Why did you wore that mask...since I met you for the first time...?"asked Kei....she was very curious...

"It's none of your business... " answered Tao...

"Yah! I'm very curious...I'll keep it as a secret if you tell me...." promised Kei...

"I've told's nothing... " said Tao.... he put on his hood...

"If it's nothing... then why did you wore it...?" Asked Kei again....

"It's being my habit..... I'm comfortable with it...." said Tao...

"I have another question..."

"So that's not a bad guy,right...?" Asked Kei.... Tao widened his eyes and gulped slowly...

"It's none of your business... " said Tao
nervously ..

"'s a relief... so,friend? " begged Kei.. Tao startled...

"Friend?....... "

"I don't make girl friend... " said Tao...

"So,make one now..." said Kei back...

"Arasseo..." Tao gave up...he get up and walked away...

"Huh? Jinjjarago? You just walked through me?" Said Kei.... she get up and went home...


A week later...

It's Hayoung's birthday party...Kei get ready and went to the party with L and his teammate...

As for Tao, he packed all the things and put them into their van...and they drove to the party...

As they arrived, Kei saw Sehun at the entrece...

"Yah! Sehun-ah!" Kei approached him with her heels...

"You're here... let's go's getting colder here... " said Sehun... he grabbed Kei's hand and walked in together...

Sehun blushed....he held Kei's hand tightly and walked awkwardly...Kei noticed Sehun blushed but she ignored it...

They sat at a table near the entrece... and moment later,Hayoung who was in her red light dress stepped into the party...

She was 20 but acted like a matured adult..? With the red light dress,red lips and 4 inches of heels..?

Kei end Sehun was a shock...she was younger then them but it's.... it's a speechless things....

"I can't believe I attended this party... " said Kei while staring at Hayoung who was waving gracefully on the stage...

"Me too.... " Sehun agreed with Kei...

Hayoung gave a speech and she enjoyed the party...she cut her birthday cake and drank her wine...

While those two friends was in shock, L,Baekhyun and Mina continued their searching....they looked around if something not right...

"I better get something to eat... I'm starving... " Mina get up and correcting her purple dress...

"Keep your eyes opened... we don't want the murderer strike again..." warned L...

Mina went to the food area... and took some food...and suddenly, she saw a man in tuxedo walked beside her... and the feeling was very strange... Mina turned to the man and she getting curious...

She followed him until a corridor... she looked around if someone was watching her... suddenly the man turned around,Mina startled..

"Can I help you,ma'am?" Asked the man..
He just a security in charge that time...Mina was a relief....

"Yes,... can I ask where is the women's toilet...? " asked Mina for covering her mistake...

"At the corner... " replied the man...he bowed and walked away...

Mina walked to the toilet and she opened the door...she looked at the man and sighed...then she looked forward..


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