Chapter 10: More Problems...

Start from the beginning

After a while, Kayo appears and so did Daniera, but, Why is Kayo wearing a costume?

"Well, he said he was coming in a moment." Daniera sits down next to me pulling me close to her.

"Um, What's with the costume?" I look over at Kayo confused.

"Oh, she doesn't know where we going yet." Kayo sighs scratching the back of her head a bit.

"Uh, Right forgot to tell her. We are going to an anime/manga convention." Daniera rubs the back of her head nervously.

"You forgot to tell me that?" I grab her by the shoulders and start shaking her.

"Why didn't you tell me?! I could had brought one of my cosplays!" I feel myself boiling up a bit, but I manage to keep it in.

"Ahhh! Calm down! I'll tell you next time! Just stop shaking me!!" Daniera pleads chuckling a bit nervously.

"Hey guys I'm ready!" Ikuto yells excitedly and comes out cosplaying as Rin from the anime called Ao No Exorcist. "Uh, Did I miss anything?"

We all look at each other then sigh hanging our heads down.

"Let's just get going!" Daniera says cheerfully dragging me once again to the car.

Once we arrive we had to make a huge line just to get inside the building. We spend like two hours in that line. We took a few pictures together and some people asked Kayo and Ikuto to take pictures with them. While Daniera, Arisu, and I played on our phones or took pictures of people that had theses amazing cosplays!

When we enter the building we could see that the line was still a bit longer from the room that the conversation was in.

"Ugh! This is taking forever!" Arisu groans kicking the floor lightly.

"Don't worry, we're actually getting closer this time." Kayo sighs in relief.

"Good, because I'm getting tried and we haven't even officially entered to this convention yet." Daniera leans against the wall.

"Guys, we're next, maybe you would had noticed if you weren't complaining so much. " I laugh a bit walking in.

When we finally enter it was 2pm. By the time we actually got inside, Daniera, Arisu and I went around together while Ikuto and Kayo went around trying to find out how to enter the costume contest. We took a few pictures with people that had awesome cosplays and bought some stuff as well.


A few hours have past and my phone starts ringing I went outside of the building for a moment to answer it and saw it was my dad.

Ugh, what the hell does he want now?

"What do you want dad?" I ask a bit annoyed and irritated.

"Hey honey, Look,We need to talk... It's about your mom..." He sighs a bit nervously.

"Oh, now you want to talk about her, huh? But not when I need you? You basically ignored me when I need to talk to you about her and now you want to talk to her? Well you can forget about it dad!!" Before he said anything else I hang up, my blood boiling so much I think the temperature could just go skyrocking at any moment.

When I went back inside, most of the people there where fighting.

What the hell happened while I was gone these few minutes?!

I run past the fights and try to avoid them as much as possible and when I saw Daniera, Arisu, and Kayo together I run up to them.

"What the hell happened here?!" I look at them worry, then looking at every corner.

"All I know is that Ikuto got into a fight against this guy and now everyone here are fighting each other and it's just a big mess, so let's get the hell out of here!" Kayo stumbles as she rushes out towards the door.

"You guys go on ahead, I'll be right behind you!" I run off to find Ikuto through the crowd of people fighting.

When I found him he had a black eye and was bleeding from his nose, mouth, and from a cut he had on his arm.

"Come on let's go!" I put one of his arms around my neck and guide him out of there.

We run outside seeing Daniera park her truck outside. We got on quickly.

"Wait. Where is Arisu and Kayo?!" I look around towards the bulding again.

"They went on Ikuto's car! Now quickly, close the door before the cops get here! " Daniera starts freaking out a bit.

We quickly close the door and Daniera drives off as fast as she could. I still wonder what did Ikuto say or do to start that fight there.

We got back to the cabin after we made a stop to get food supplies for tonight. When we got off we all just look at Ikuto.

"What?" Ikuto looking away from us bother and irritated.

"Dude, what the heck happened back there?" Daniera crosses her arms looking at him.

He stays there quiet for a little while at first and then he speaks up, "I don't want to talk about it." He storms off into his room.

We all sigh and went inside. Daniera went to the kitchen and starts cooking. She made mashed potatoes with meatloaf. I didn't know she could even cook this kinda of stuff!

I was expecting her to cook those frozen pizzas we got left. When we all finished eating we went to our rooms for the rest of the night.

"So,what happened that you went outside all of the random back there?" Daniera looks at me confused.

"It's was just my dad was calling. After all these months he just decides to call me out of the random." I sigh, "Anyways, come on, let's watch Tokyo Ghoul on kissanime! " I feel my eyes beam with happiness in a long while. Even though, Daniera does always bring out the little happiness I got inside of me.

I feel my cheeks heat up from the sudden though I had. I do love her a lot.

Daniera nods as she closes out distance and kisses me gently and softly for a while. She pulls away afterwards, gets one of our computers, turning it on, and we start watching anime all night long. We stay like that, until someone else was calling me, but I didn't recognize this number.

"Hello? Who is this?" I ask a bit out of it, rubbing my eyes a bit.

"Hello! Is this Misheru?" A strange person spoke for the other line.

"Yeah who might this be?" I start to get a bit worry for some reason.

"I'm a doctor from your hometown, I'm sorry to inform you at this hour, but we have you mother here and she was in a car accident and she might not be able make it. We're trying everything we can. I'm sorry." The doctor hangs up afterwards.

A/N: Hey guys if you like my story comment or vote! Anyways see ya in the next chapter! ^^

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