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finally you said the words that I had known for days:

that you found someone else.

I thought that when you told me I would explode

I thought that I would be jealous and mad and broken hearted

I thought that tears would flood my eyes immediatly

and I would spend days full of regret

but instead I smiled sadly and told you

that it was not the end of us

as you were trying to make it out to be

because right now you either

marry someone or break up and

we are a little young to get married

and we deserve to have some fun

without any worries or complications

you know every corner of my mind,

just as I have come to know yours

and although there have been days of confusion

I've always known just what was going on

and it's safe to say I lived in hope

and maybe a little desperation that

what we had was something that we could contain

even if we are so apart.

I know now that I was wrong

but in others I have been right,

in holding on to what we have and

spending time alone and sad I have

managed to move on and

can now focus on who I really am on my own.

I admit that it was the hardest thing I've ever done,

giving up on us

but we will either come together again

or find something much better I know

I am shaking with the feeling

of being completely on my own

and I look forward to seeing what I will do very soon

I'm a ball of fire

burning bright and clear

and I may still cry when I'm alone

because I'm moving on with fear

it takes some getting used to,

living wild and free

but I can do it again because

it's who I've always known myself to be.

I believe that a part of me will love you forever

just as you will always love a part of me

and maybe as we grow and change

we will learn all we are to be,

wether it's together or apart

forgotten or remembered

I'll be here to stand by your side

and I know you'll stand by mine.

we're placing limitations on

communication and things we say,

but as long as you're still in my life

I know I'll be okay.

it's not that I can't live without you

it's that I stay close to things that make me happy

and we have so much ahead of us to experience

and I want to share some of it with you.

I thought that I wasn't going to cry,

but I knew that I would

because moving on and starting new

is never an easy thing to do.

this limitless sky above me is scary

but I'll welcome it with open arms

this time I'm going to do this right

no holding on or holding back.

it's time to change and be who I was with you


it's time to smile and say goodbye

even if it's what we hadn't wanted to do

all long.

you said you couldn't do this anymore,

I think I know what you mean

you meant to say you couldn't let go of me

if you knew what I did every day.

I wonder what she's like,

what's her name how'd you meet

I told you could tell me but

you wouldn't want to compare us.

I just hope she does you good,

pushes you where you deserve to be

because you told me of a girl who dragged you down

and your past haunted you until you met me.

we said our last "I love you" and agreed to talk soon

I put a smile on my face and

said I was happy for us

our story hasn't ended

but this chapter has

so cheers to the future,

but let's not forget the past.

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