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I don't even know

how to put this into words

my heart beats

only for you

I continue going

every day

living off of my hopes to see you again.

Every day I feel your

lips on mine

I relive a night we spent together,

our minds in perfect harmony

our bodies in heaven

there was no need for words,

I could just look into your eyes

and know.

Your eyes looked like oceans

in the middle of the night

and I swam in their seas of emotions

as I felt your lips touch my face.

My back arched and I

looked up to the sky

one hand on my cheek,

the other holding my heart.

I love you

there's nothing more to it,

and you love me too

so there's no need to complicate it

almost a month down

and it feels like there's so many more to go.

You're not quite the

sentimental poetry type

so I write all these poems in hope

that one day 

you'll get to read them.

You text me with

emotions and 

smiley faces and

excitement to be alive

but I know that in reality,

you are hurting

so I let you know everything here

I give you a distraction

from the pain left in your heart.

There are so many things

we have yet to do

and I hope enough time

to do all them and more.

This poem is 

all over the place

I don't know how to


everything that has happened.

It's all just so amazing

and how can you



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