Beautiful Chapter

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Beautiful Chapter - written on 3/15/13

I can't seem to stop


Looking forward


Be pulled back

I've gotten

Too far ahead to worry

About anyone or


I don't mean to


You behind but there's just

So much out there and

So little time

And I ask your


To leave

Because I find it impossible

To be in one place for

So long or

Be the same person

For any amount of time

I'm asking

Or maybe I'm telling you,

That we were bound to

Separate at some time

But I promise

I will never


Forget you

Because you taught

Me too much to forget

Maybe things

Will change again and

Our lives will intertwine with

Great memories,

Yet again I will say

That I am not good at

Letting people in

Because I like to

Leave and

Reinvent myself

And start fresh

It's just so

Appealing to me-

A lost soul

Finding themselves

Over and over again


So many different paths


So many different personalities

And a

Wide variation of memories

Just know that,

You will always be a


Chapter of my life that

I will read over

And over




I like this :D 

So today has been a really good Friday and we're ordering pizza for dinner which makes it that much better.

But I hope that you guys liked this too!

Vote, comment, fan~ blah blah blahhh


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