Night Time

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  • Dedikeret til my Papa

I feel bad that this is the only time

when your presence

takes over my heart

and I feel an overwhelming sadness.

why did you have to leave?

why didn't the doctors do more,

why couldn't they save your life?

and in the night

as I toss and turn and

look at the picture next to my bed,

you are everywhere

I hear your laughter in my head,

hear the silly quotes and

remember the joy everyone felt around you.

I remember the water,

the slides,

the games,

why is that when we're so young

we take everything for granted

and don't soak it all in?

I wish we had movies

from when I little,

from when you were here.

I remember the last roller coaster we rode,

the last ice cream you took my brother and I to get.

I remember how you put me on your shoulders

so I could watch the fireworks.

I remember how you made everyone around us smile,

and become a better version of themselves.

you've left behind a wife

with lots of money but nothing to use it on.

you'rve left behind a daughter

who needs to remember how to let go.

you've left behind a grandson

with no one to play with.

you've left behind a granddaughter

who's just begun to grow up.

and in the night

all I can think,

is why do the greatest people

have to leave so suddenly

and so early?

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