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You are my castle

the only one that I need

those moments in your arms

will give me memories for a lifetime.

This may be the best love

that I have ever had

I play our songs on repeat

I read your notes every day and night

I feel your lips on mine

and your presence beside me.

Every moment we are apart

I feel a longing for you once again

I know that we can do this,

that we will not fall apart.

I have never been happier

than I was when I'm with you

we met each other quickly

we fell in love faster

I've never felt more alive

than I do with you.

With you with you with you

I am not a weak little girl,

I am a woman with a future

a million possibilities.

And to me,

you have no past mistakes

you tell me that I am the only girl

that has overlooked who you sued to be.

This belief and trust in each other

paralyzes me with fear

I cannot say goodbye

I cannot let you go,

but you say you feel the same

so I push my worries away.

You are my castle

you have everything I could ever need,

and one day we will reunite

we will last our separations.

I could

run away and we could

give our love away but

it doesn't feel like that's

happening anytime soon so

I'll live

in your arms

in my memories

and wait patiently to

walk up the steps

to our castle.

This poem is rushed

and filled with emotion

we have so many miles between us,

so many that I cannot begin to imagine

everything that goes on in each inch

between us.

Are you really changing,

like you said?

or has being away from me for a few days

already brought you back to who you were?

It's pouring rain and 

I'm falling down the drain

I don't know if I can get up again today,

I don't know how we can survive months apart.

I beg God,

let our love be strong enough

I lay alone in my bed,

wishing the space beside me wasn't so empty.

No, I'm not broken hearted

I have never felt so whole and alive in my life,

it's just that I am expected to be

even though I know that I already am.

Everyone says that I have

never looked so happy before

in the pictures of us,

I remember the feeling-

the happiness burning inside me in those moments,

I want to feel it again

I want to live freely and never know what's around the corner.

(the way I did with you)

I will wait

every night

not knowing what we will talk about tomorrow

not knowing who you are with

not knowing how you really are.

I will pray 

every night

to see you soon

to keep our love alive.

I will

always love you,

and when I say it

I will scream it

because I don't say

"I love you"

because I feel like it,

I say it because it's true and

I want to remind you every moment 

of every day.

I love you.

You are my castle

the only one that I need

and I miss you 


but I will wait here

for a miracle.

I will work harder,

get stronger,

earn the money to see you

and just keep dreaming.

You are



and my heart

lives with


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