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This was originally a poem for English, but another girl in the class did one in the same characteristic as me so I think I'm going to change it. But I really like this poem.... Oh well, you guys enjoy it :)


Determination - written on 2/22/13

Determination feels like sunshine on your shoulders in the summer,

It conquers even the biggest regrets

Determination is like the touch of a butterfly's wings,

It tastes like chocolate melting on your tongue.

Determination discovers the skills that come from deep within,

It dreams of success and time in the spotlight

Determination admires the strength of the sea,

It is shaped like a sun emitting light from within.

Determination remembers all that has happened in the past

It is the dance of compassion in doing what you love.

Determination is the memory of the calm before a storm.


Sorry it's a little bit short, we were given the amount of lines and what to use on them blah blah blah.... But I think this poem turned out pretty good! I think I'll turn it in and see how it goes, this poem is way better than my other classmate's hahaha.

Anyways, thank you for reading!

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