The Lesson Of Time

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Hello again! I have a lot of poems to upload, so I'm sorry for spamming your emails. Enjoy!


The Lesson Of Time - written on 2/5/13

I woke up one morning to the sun

Kissing my check and illuminating the room

Around me; I saw the world

Through different eyes.

The birds' song suddenly became

A tale of the future; and the cricket's

Chirp became a call for help;

And the wind became a melody that put

Me to sleep that night.

I've been hearing distant sounds,

Tellin me their stories and mixing my dreams to theirs;

I haven't begun to fear insanity and yet

My peers tell me that I am something else.

As the moments tick by and my

Memories fade to dust, for I am something else;

I may be a victim to knowledge,

Over run by time or, I could be,

Time herself just passing by.


There's the next poem!

Vote, comment, fan, and eat good food ;)

Mmkay off to write more


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