So Much To Say

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So Much To Say

We used to spend all our time

Simply laughing,

Being free

Creating the person we'd always wanted to be

We wanted to grow up,

To understand what time really means

And now we know that it's

All a trap leaving

Broken hearted children

On the side of the road, confused

What are we supposed to do 

With this bottle of tears?

Now we know

Just what it's all about,

We knew it when we were young

but never understood it;

And we're learning how hard it is to change

We realize how impossible it is to go back

Everyone knows its a trap but

No one listens to the warnings

So we all fall together.

I guess it shows how alike we all are

At the heart

But outside its all separation


So who really cares what anyone things.

Crisis after crisis

Do it all for ourselves

Until we're called selfish,

Aren't we doing what we're here for?

Nothing left to do

Or say

Forever wanting to leave

But not having to stay

We've lost so much

and still gained even more

We make up words


at the top of our lungs

There's only so much time left

so use it good

Live life free,

With a grin on your face,

Do what makes you happy

even if it's against the race.

There's so much to say

But so little time

Each life is just a moment in

An eternity. 

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