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There is only so much time

before you crack and

all your flaws are on show

but with you,

I see no flaws

I see no mistakes

only a beautiful innocence

that I hope no one takes.

I understand that you cannot protect someone

from natural occurrences,

but I do not want to see you hurt

so please,

when you go against my judgement

time after time

know that I will never be the 'friend' that says

'I told you so'

trust in me that

I will be the friend that tells you,

you are not alone

and although other people go through this

you are still unique.

because you are beautiful

and kind

and loving

and special.

you are a young butterfly

just learning to fly.

and you are a starfish

floating along with the tides.

I am the sunshine,

there to keep you warm, safe and alive.

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