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So finally it seems

That the inevitable has happened

You have left,

The world is moving on without us together

Wheels are turning

You are

With your friends and meeting new people,

Moving on and learning

I wish that our summer had lasted forever

I cannot seem to stop these tears

From running down my face

It's all sunk in

Your summer is over while

I still have two weeks left of mine to

Remember but try to forget

I hate this feeling that has

Latched itself onto me I

Feel so lost and trapped and I just

Want to get away with you

I'm not ready for this year


I'm not ready to move on

You became my sun, my moon and my stars

So easily and

I don't know what I mean to you anymore

I'm trying so hard to get used to this

But it's just not happening and

I don't know what else to do

There is no one for me to talk to

No one who will understand or

Let me turn to them

I cry myself to sleep

I wake up emotionally exhausted and unstable

I do not want to be like this

Please help me,

Make me feel better again

Help me to be me again

The inevitable has taken control

And my mind is spinning

It will not stop screaming

But for what,

I do not know but

I need you

These tears leave trails of fire in their wake

My skin burns and my

Heart shrivels

I hate this

How do I make it better

If no part of me wants to let it go?

I try to look past everything here

That I cannot stand

But there is just so much

I am not home unless

I am with you

But we need to move on

I need to move on

Now you are hurting me,

Your presence

Is pushing me to where

I am afraid to be

I cannot breathe

I cannot think straight

Where am I,

Why am I here

If I do not want to be?

Even the food on my plate

Makes me sick

My face in the mirror

Makes me want to cry,

What has happened these last few months

That changed me so immensely?

I want to be happy again

I need to feel your arms around me again

Soon, I keep telling myself

I will find a way to see you soon

As long as I love you

As long as you love me

I can put in my everything until then

But this next month maybe

We should give each other


I feel that now it was all so


To take a break because we are

So beautifully alike and

We both deserve to be happy

Without each other for a little while

Before we come back together.

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