Painful Confessions.

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It's been two weeks since the carnival incident with Trevor. The police have kept their distance from Jake, and I wonder if Amil is the person responsible for keeping him out of jail. I'm beginning to sleep much better, the bruises are fading and my strength is returning. The journey to recovery has been slow but it's working. My relationship with Jake grows stronger by the day and we're having fun like other couples our age. I haven't heard from DC Jones since he showed up at the house. I suspect Jake and Amil asking questions about his appearance has frightened him away from me. I can't help questioning why he chose me to stalk to begin with. Does he want something from me? I shake him away from my thoughts and focus on moving on with my life.

I'm out grocery shopping with Ivory. We're beginning to grow incredibly close, and she's now a permanent member of my friend group. Ivory throws another packet of chocolate biscuits in the shopping cart before grinning at me. "Delicious," she says with a twinkle in her eyes. I glance down at the cart filled with sugar. There's not a single vegetable or fresh produce in sight. I love Ivory, but her aversion to healthy eating is incredibly worrying.

"I'll be in the fruit and vegetable aisle if you need me," I tell her before guiding the cart away from her. She nods her head in response, but her eyes remain glued to the shelves stacked with junk food. I love digging into a jar of Nutella just like the next person, but I also enjoy feeling nourished and energetic. I throw several items of fruit in the cart before heading for the vegetables. My eyes scan over the aisle when I hear my name being called out. "Emily?"

My heart drops to the pit of my stomach. I slowly turn to find Mom standing near the organic potatoes. She's holding a shopping basket and her face appears to have aged further since I last saw her. Dark circles reside under her eyes and her face holds no life behind it. I feel the moisture strip from my throat and I try to remain calm. I've been preparing myself for this day. I can't live in the same town as her and not expect to eventually run into her.

"Mom," I say quietly before taking several steps away from her. Her eyes travel down my appearance. "You look well," she tells me quietly. She doesn't sound happy about it. Did she expect me to rot and wither away because I'm no longer under her care? I've flourished without her and Trevor. "It's been a while since I've been beaten," I respond truthfully. It's the only reason the colour has returned to my cheeks and I'm able to walk around pain-free. I never thought this day would come. I clear my throat before turning around to walk away from her. I have nothing left to say. My own mother feels like a stranger to me and it fills me with a deep sadness. I wish things were different.

"Emily, wait." Mom calls out. The vulnerability in her voice makes me pause. I close my eyes because I know I'm going to regret giving her more of my time. I turn halfway in an attempt to keep myself partially guarded from her. She didn't beat me like Trevor, but she's just as dangerous as him. She did nothing to stop him and it takes a broken parent to blend into the walls like she did. "What do you want?" I ask quietly.

"I want you to come home." Mom tells me firmly. My eyes snap up to look at her in disbelief. "You can't be serious." I tell her while holding back a scoff. When is she going to realise I'm never living with her and Trevor again? "You're just a child, Emily. You're supposed to be at home with me," Mom argues her case.

"I'm seventeen years old. Even if I was a child, I would never come back to you and Trevor. You're no longer my family," I whisper. She doesn't appear to be listening to my words. I stare back at her with a blank look on my face. Trying to get her to wake up and face reality feels like an impossible task. She's been drowning in darkness ever since my father died and having me as her child wasn't enough to bring her to the surface. I hate her and pity her at the same time. "Goodbye, Mom." I whisper while blinking back tears. I turn around to leave when she calls out to me.

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