I Have These Thoughts

Start from the beginning

"Off to the Arrow cave." Cisco whispered.

"Cool. Where's Barry?" I asked.

"Oh, he went ahead." says Caitlin.

"So were here to help Oliver?" I ask as I follow Caitlin and Cisco towards the a line of people waiting to get a cab.

"Well we do have to get the sample of DNA from Sara's death." I chill went down my spine.

"Oh, yeah. I almost forgot about that." Sarah or better know as Black Canary. Killed and no one knows by who. "Anyway," I cleared my throat. "Death pushed aside, you do know things wouldn't end very well."

"What you mean?" ask Cisco.

"Do they know were coming over?" I ask. Both Cisco and Caitlin exchange a look. "See, Oliver isn't going to be happy. I actually can't wait to see what he'll do about us being at his cave so let's go." I say as I walk over to a taxi cab that's waiting for us. Cisco and Caitlin follow and we hop inside.

"Where to?" The cab driver ask, looking over his shoulder.

"Palmer Technologies, please." I tell him.

Palmer Tech, now let me tell you is very very big. It's big on the outside, but even bigger from the inside. My Doctor Who reference didn't even come out right because the building is that huge. After asking the front desk, where Felicity's office is, we walk through a glass door and and are welcome by Felicity's huge office.

"Almost done here, Jerry." says Felicity not looking up from her computer. "You should have gone home hours ago."

"Who's Jerry?" ask Caitlin.

"Also out of all the people in the building, why assume it's a guy name, Jerry?" I ask. Felicity looked up at us, shocked at are arrival.

"This place is bigger than my apartment." Cisco cooed, as he looked around.

"What are you guys doing here?" Felicity ask.

"You asked us to analyze DNA off the arrow that killed Sara." explained Caitlin.

"I was just going to mail you the sample." says Felicity.

"We all had some vacation days coming-"

"We want to see the arrow cave." Cisco butted in. 

"We don't call it that." says Felicity. She walks over to her purse and picks it up. "Ever."

"We want to see the toys!" Cisco wines. "I need to see the toys." Felicity glances at each of us.

"Do you guys have an arrow mobile?" I joked.


Cisco reaches over to touch an arrow head. "Don't touch that." says Oliver. Felicity took us to the arrow cave which so happened to be under a night club Oliver's sister manages called, Verdant. I watch as Oliver watches Cisco to make sure he doesn't touch anything. It's pretty amusing and funny to watch. "Or that." says Oliver as Cisco reaches to touch an arrow which is on display. "It's a jettisoning arrow. Uses compressed co2-"

"Compressed co2 to jettison high tensile strength polymer cables." Cisco finishes.

"Yep." says Oliver, clearly annoyed by our company.  

"Since when did we start selling admission to the arrow cave?" says Roy Harper, aka Arsenal.

"It's- do you see what you've done?" Oliver points at Felicity. I snicker at Oliver's annoyance.

"Don't lie. You enjoy the company." I tease, punching his shoulder. One glare from Oliver and I stopped smiling.

"Incredible." says Cisco as he looks at Oliver's Green Arrow costume. "I have so many ideas for improvements. And this." Cisco walks over to Roy's Arsenal costume. "Oh, oh, man! And I mean, red is so much cooler than green, am I right?" Cisco ask, Roy. 

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