Heartbroken or Heartless...??

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It has been 6 days since he was brought here. He was beaten up, starved and treated like a dog. One meal was offered him in a day, that too was never worth eating. He was growing weak, he still, shouted at times and went crazy but not upto the extreme like he used to do in the early days. One thing that he kept on thinking now a days, during the small break, those huge men used to take after beating him up, was that why there was no one trying to reach him? why every thing was so calm? Has no one noticed up till now that he was missing? After all he had fame, the world knew him, how come nobody has then noticed his absence...?? These questions never left his mind, they will find it soon, he then used to console himself. He was still in this consoling process when he heard footsteps approaching him, his head was bowed due to the pain that arose from his head and teased his neck. That person had taken the chair in front him.

"I hope you're being taken care quite well" it was Hareem, he knew it. His jaws stiffened but he remained silent not wasting his energy to reply. The cascade of questions once again hit him, Why? Why no one has yet found him here?

"I'll be out of here very soon, you'll see..." He replied in a stern voice raising his head to give her a glare, he did not want to exhibit his thoughts in front of her.

"And once I get out of here..." he paused as he gave a piercing look, "i'm gonna drag you to hell..." He whispered, pronouncing every word clearly with emphasis. She was looking at him amused, "I'll destroy you, completely, and I'll treat you in a way, more painful and worst than this..!!"

Her lips twitched in an attempt to control her laughter, she suppressed her lips and after an instant spoke,

"Firstly to add to your knowledge, I have nothing to loose now," she paused, "Secondly, and sympathetically, if you're thinking that the next moment there would be a lot of police here, surrounding the building, pressurizing us to surrender and helicopters would land to rescue you, then i'm really sorry..." she chuckled still trying not to laugh, "this is not gonna happen". He was dazzled at her words, but tried not to show it to her.

"The day we kidnapped you, we locked your house, not making it look suspicious, and..." she created suspense, "we, left a message to all your friends, through you're phone, that you were going somewhere urgently" she was smirking, while Zohaib's eyes filled up with shock, he was not expecting such clever moves from her side. "That is why there's no news, no headlines on the newspaper suspecting that why the most famous, the most popular rock star is missing!" she boasted from his side.

He remained silent, he was shocked,so this was why no one had tried to find him out. For them he was gone by himself...


Ibad was leaving for office, he was standing with Amna at the door, Hareem saw them talking in a very low voice as she entered the house, Amna had her head bowed, her tears fell on the floor, her eyes were swollen, she had not been sleeping properly for a long time, Ibad's face grave, he was telling her something or maybe he was trying to console her, he himself had redness in his eyes. Both of them turned their heads towards her, as she entered, Ibad came closer and hugged her for quite long, his eyes filled up with tears, but he held them back and quickly went out of the house without saying anything to her.

Amna wiped her tears and stepped towards her trying to smile, hareem stood silent expressionless as if nothing had happened.

"Hareem" her mother patted her cheek, "Tehreem again called, she wants to talk to you, just talk to her once, I...." hareem did not let her finish, "ammi I have told you a number of times that I don't want to talk to any one, why do you keep forcing me all the time." she was irritated.

Amna stood surprised, "My dear, it was not her fault, she is your best friend since you're childhood, she has stood by your side throughout your life..." her voice was stumbling as tears desperately wanted to rush out of her eyes. Hareem stood folding her arms on her chest not noticing the tears in her mother's eyes, "I'm still not gonna talk to her." she said and went away, Amna stood there watching her go, as she wept till he heart's content...


She yawned and rubbed her eyes, trying to figure out from where was the sound of a knock coming. Her eyes were still filled with desire to sleep. The door of her room knocked once again.

"Come in" she replied as she rubbed her eyes again, trying to wake up completely, it was 4 pm.

The door slowly opened, and her eyes opened wide because she wasn't expecting that person at all, she was completely waken up now,

"salam, how are you hareem?" it was tehreem. Hareem did not answer and sat straight in her bed, her eyes again cold, and her manner indifferent. Tehreem walked up to her bed and sat beside her, after a moment of awkward silence, she spoke,

"Hareem I...I.." she stammered as she was trying to say something but could not.

"I know you're upset with me, and don't want to talk to me either, but..." she paused to look at her, wishing for her to look at her too, but that never happened, "but I wanted to tell you that i'm there for you whenever you need me, I...I wish I had never forced you to stay there and..." her voice broke as she struggled to hold back her tears, her head bowed, her hand clutched hareem's, "I'm sorry hareem, i'm really sorry, I shouldn't have forced you..." She burst into tears while hareem was as calm as before.

"It's okay." Hareem replied in a casual way, "i'm fine, what about you? how're your studies going?" Tehreem was taken up by surprise, she looked at her in disbelief, "hareem you can talk to me about it, you can let it all out, that you are trying to suppress, you know i'm always there for you. Tell me who it was, we will sue him." tehreem looked determined as if she wanted that person to be murdered right in front of her eyes.

"Forget about him, I don't think about it now, so just let it go and move on." Hareem once again surprises her with her normal tone. Tehreem could not believe this girl, she was saying that she had moved on! Is it that easy..??


He was panting, as he was hit harder on the abdomen. His face and body was bruised, his nose was bleeding.

"Okay just cut it out..." hareem told the men to stop, as she entered the room. Zohaib's head was dizzy, he was not fully conscious about what was going on around him,

"I've got a surprise for you dear guest..!!" hareem said with amused expressions as she lifted her hand, holding a folded piece of paper, she unfolded it and held it in front of him to read, at first he could not read as his head was spinning but once he started reading the sentences, all his senses came to life an his heart started to sink, his mouth dropped open, his eyes filled with disbelief it seemed the end of his life...

Assalam o alaikum :)

Yayyyy a cliffhanger!!! I just love to write cliffhangers :P  *dodges tomatoes* ok ok i'm sorry but yeah this is a cliffhanger...

So people, what do you think about harem? Is she heartbroken or heartless..?? and what could possibly be written in that paper?

I want to tell you that I feel blessed when I get your feedback so never stop and just READ, VOTE and COMMENT :)

One thing more guys, I usually give a gap of two days between the chapters but this time, I reduced it to one, because me and my family are gonna shift to some other place, plus my tests are going on, so if I don't update in a while, do not worry,  because i'm more excited to complete this book than you guys :) Maybe I'll just update like I do in routine, so stay updated and do not miss the upcoming chapters, many unexpected things are gonna happen ;) In the end I would like to give you people a piece of advice....

"We should be realistic in the matters of this world and optimistic in the matters of Allah, never ever get drowned in the material of this world, and never complain him for your miseries, because he has given you roses but remember they have thorns too!"

Love is Faith (An Islamic love story) *completed*Where stories live. Discover now