Chapter 8

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Shane POV

My dad left and I was mortified, so I randomly broke down in tears.

Joey: Shane, oh my gosh are you okay?

Shane: Yeah, im just scared. Im so sorry Kalel, and Joey I shouldn't of brought you into this.

Kalel: If I wasn't here you would've been hurt way more than you already are, you should be glad I was here.

Joey: What exactly happened and why did your dad randomly appear at your house.

I told him the story and he was surprised.

Joey: oh my gosh, but if he doesn't care about you why does he care if your gay?

Shane: I don't know, but whatever he does doesn't change how I feel about you.

I kissed Joeys cheek and he smiled that perfect smile. Right after I pulled away from him my mom walked in, thank god it wasn't when I kissed Joey.

Teresa (shanes mom): Im home Shane. Well hello Kalel, and who might you be?

Joey: Hi Miss.Yaw, Im Joey.

Teresa: Well nice to meet you Joey. Shane, why are you so shooken up?

Shane: Dad was just here.

My mom dropped her purse and ran over to me.

Teresa: Oh my god, are you okay? Kalel and Joey, are you okay?

Kalel: yeah im okay, and Joey just got here like 20 minutes ago.

Teresa: Okay, but Shane I would feel much safer if you stayed at Kalel's house tonight.

Shane: Okay but what about you, Jacob, and Jerid?

Teresa: We will be okay, but you need to get going.

Shane Okay, but I need to tell you something when I get back.

Teresa: Just tell me now honey.

Shane: I would rather tell you tomorrow.

Teresa: Okay well get your stuff and get going.

I got my stuff and Kalel, Joey, and I went to Kalel's house for a little bit, well I was there all night. Joey was there for a little bit.

About two hours later Joey was about to leave. Before we went downstairs I kissed Joey and it got a little bit heated but I pulled away because Kalel was there, and if anything happened we were at Kalel's house and that would be kind of weird. Plus its too early for that.

Joey left and me and Kalel sat down in her living room to watch a movie.

Kalel: What if your dad comes back?

Shane: I don't know, but im not letting anyone get hurt. Not my mom, not Jerid, not Jacob, not you, and not Joey.

Kalel: I know this is weird but, I feel more threatened then you do.

Shane: I wont let him hurt anyone.

We watched the movie and then we went to Kalel's room. We were going to go to bed, so we both got into Kalel's bed. It was a big bed, and im gay so its not like anything would happen. Plus I see Kalel as a sister, she sees me like a brother. And I wouldn't want to do stuff with my sister, that would be incest.

Joey POV

I went home and as I walked in the door my mom came up to me.

Joey mom: Hey Joey, where have you been?

Joey: Ive been at Shane's house.

Joey mom: Well, I think you should tell your dad soon.

Joey: I know, but what if he freaks out and disowns me, or makes me break up with Shane. I wont break up with him. I wont do it.

Joey mom: I don't think he would be that durastic, but you have to take the chance.

Joey: I know its just scary, and im going to go to bed now.

I walked up to my room and I climbed in bed and quickly fell asleep.

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