Chapter 12

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Shane POV

I woke up Joey and he smiled that perfect smile at me,

Joey: I could get used to this.

Shane: What?

Joey: Waking up to you.

I smiled and I hugged him

Shane: You are so sweet.

Joey smiled again and blushed.

Joey: I try.

Joey got up out of the bed and we went downstairs to eat.

We got some cereal and sat down at the table.

Joey: How about after school we go on our first official date.

Shane: I would love that.

I leaned in and kissed Joey and just then Joey's dad walked in.

Joey dad: mhm mmmm

Joey pulled away.

Joey: Well how about that for timing.

I laughed a little bit and grabbed Joey's hand.

Joey dad: Well you guys are touchy aren't you.

Joey: Its the same as if we were straight we would still be touchy to whoever we were dating.

I could tell that kind of got Joey mad so I had to get him out of here.

Shane: How about we go to your room to get ready.

We went upstairs and Joey went into his closet and put on a grey T-shirt and skinny jeans.

I put on a red checkered shirt and normal jeans.

After a while of cuddling and watching TV me and Joey walked to the bus stop and got on the bus. Kale and Cat were sitting with each other so me and Joey sat in the seat beside theirs.

When we got to school I went to my first class with Kalel.

Sawyer started making fun of me and I got mad but Kalel calmed me down and I just ignored him.

The next class I had with Joey. Joey and I talked all of class and really didn't pay attention.

Next was lunch.

Joey, Kalel, Cat, and I walked to the cafeteria and sat down at our table. We went and got our lunches to sit down, and then Sawyer went up to the stage where there was a screen and plugged in his flash drive.

It was a video of me and Joey in the woods by his house. It showed us talking and holding hands. It showed us kissing and Joey taking his shirt off. It showed us sleeping with Joey's head on my chest.

I couldn't believe this the entire cafeteria was staring at us, and then Joey got up and started to run out of the cafeteria.

I ran to the stage and grabbed the microphone.

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