Chapter 1

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Joey POV


Well, we just moved to California from Boston and today is my first day at my new school. Honestly I was happy we moved because it is a new start for me because at my old school I would always get made fun of because of my learning disability and my sexual orientation (Yes, i'm gay go on and wrap yourself around the idea......okay moving on.) This year I was going to be a junior.

I woke up and got dressed in a white a blue striped t-shirt with skinny jeans and sperrys. After I got ready and did my hair like I do every morning I walked down to the bus stop and got on the bus. You better believe I was nervous as hell! I walked on the bus and found an empty seat and sat down, at the next stop a bunch of people walked on they looked like the steryotypical jocks and their cheerleader girlfriends. They all glared at me as they walked past and I could feel my stomach turning. Then the last stop came.

When we got to the last stop on came two people a boy with dark brown straight hair and blue eyes (to me he was pretty sexy.) and a girl with black or a very dark dark brown hair that was just longer than her shoulders and she came up to me.

????: Hey could I sit with you there is no where else to sit?

Joey: Sure, oh and im Joey.

????: Hi, Im Cathrine you can call me Cat.

Shane POV


I woke up and dreaded today because today was the first day of school which meant I now had to deal with a living hell, well I deal with a living hell already but not as bad as school. In school I was bullied a lot because I used to way 310 pounds even though I lost the weight I still get made fun of because of it and because im gay.

I got on the bus like usual but the first thing I see is a new kid with golden-brown spiked hair with emerald green eyes he looked at me but I didn't think much of it because everyone looks at how disgusting I am. Then the normal tormenting started with Sawyer the head of the jocks.

Sawyer: Hey fag did you get any dick this summer, of course you didn't not even a fat old man would touch you.

Sawyer and his gang laughed and I just sat deeper into the seat and tried to ignore until I got to school where I wouldn't be able to ignore it anymore.

Author POV

They arrived at school and everyone got off the bus.

******************************************Authors note***********************************************************

Thank you for reading and if you like this tell me in the comments if you think I should change anything tell me just don't hat thanks, bye.

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