Chapter 11

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Joey POV

I opened the door and my mom was there.

Joey: Hey mom is it okay if Shane stays tonight?

Joey mom: Yeah just make sure nothing happens.

I blushed because I knew what she meant.

Shane: Don't worry ill keep him in line.

He laughed playfully as he said that and put his arm around me.

Joey mom: You guys are so sweet and I hope most people see you guys that way.

Joey: Us too.

We went upstairs to my room and Shane sat his stuff down.

Joey: I think we should tell my dad about us tonight during dinner.

Shane: I thought you said you wanted to wait.

Joey: I know but its not like his opinion about gays is going to change if we wait longer, so I want to be able to be comfortable with you at my house and not worry about someone catching us kissing or hugging, or even holding hands.

Shane: Okay, but what about Nicole.

Joey: We can go to her apartment some other time and tell her.

Shane: Are you sure you are ready?

I walk over to Shane cup his face and give him a quick kiss.

Joey: Im sure.

We layed on my bed cuddling while watching tv for a while then my mom called us down for dinner. We went downstairs and got our plates and sat at the table.


So, I took out my phone and texted Shane who was sitting right beside me but it wasn't like I could talk to him out loud about it because my dad was right there.


Joey: Im soooooo nervous.

Shane: You will be okay. Just tell him and hope for the best, that's what I did with my mom.

Joey: I know, this is why I love you :)

Shane: I LOVE you too :D <3

**end of text**

Joey dad: Well Joey how has school been?

Joey: Good, so far besides a few people I really like the new school and ive met some of the best people in my life.

I smiled and I felt Shane smiling at me.

Joey dad: Who are those people?

Joey: Kalel Cullen, Shane and his last name is Yaw, and Cat Valdez.

Shane: Kalel is my best friend that is how met.

Shane took out his phone and showed my dad a picture of him and Kalel.

Joey dad: Well she is pretty im surprised you haven't dated her.

Shane: She really isn't my type, Kalel is more of a sister not a romantic interest.

Joey dad: Well Joey do you like Cat or Kalel?

Joey: Well thats kind of a personal question but no I do not like either of them.

I saw my Mom getting a little uncomfortable and I think she knew what Shane and I were planning to do.

Joey: Hey dad, can I tell you something quick.

Joey dad: Sure, what do you need to tell me.

Joey: I don't know how to tell you this but, I'm gay and I'm dating Shane.

I grabbed Shane's hand and held it in view of my dad.

Joey dad: I honestly don't know what to think.

Joey: Do you accept me?

Joey dad: I really don't have a choice because I'm not going to lose my son so yes I accept you.

I couldn't contain my happiness and I didn't realize how awkward it would be for my family but I sat on Shane's lap and kissed him, it wasn't a long kiss but it was still awkward for my parents.

Joey dad: Well that's enough learning for tonight I think I'm going to go to bed.

Joey mom: Me too night Joey and Shane.

They went to bed and then me and Shane walked upstairs to my room and laid on my bed to watch tv, I played down and Shane played behind me wrapping his arms around me. He was spooning me except not in the sexual way, we were just laying there and then we fell asleep.

I woke up a few hours later to my dad checking on us. Why, I don't know. I knew he didn't want to accept me because he sighed when he saw Shane cuddling with me, like he was just now coming to the realization that I was gay. He didn't want to accept me but I couldn't be happier.

Shane POV

I woke up the next morning to get ready for school and then I woke Joey up.

***not the end I'm just tired so I'm gonna go to bed and I'll post a new chapter tomorrow, but thank you for almost 700 reads it means a lot leave comments, I love hearing your comments and if you have questions I usually respond to all questions and comments min general see ya later byeeeeeeeeee.

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