Chapter 9

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Shane POV

I woke up next to Kalel. We had to go to school today so I woke up Kalel and we went downstairs to eat.

Kalel: Hey, you should call Joey and ask him if he wants to walk to school with us.

Shane: Okay.

**On the phone with Joey**

Shane: Hey, do you want to walk to school with me and Kalel?

Joey: Sure, and I would like a kiss before school. That sounded less cheesy in my head.

Shane: It sounded sweet, and it just upsets me that we have to be careful what we do no matter where we are.

Joey: What do you mean.

Shane: We have to be careful at my house because nobody in my family knows about us. We have to be careful at your house because of your dad. We have to be careful in public because people at school might see us. We have to be careful at school because nobody knows and frankly I don't want you to get hurt so we cant come out.

Joey: I know but we are telling your mom after school right? And there is that little woodsy area by my house we can go for alone time. I hope that's not too creepy for you.

He chuckled a little bit when he said that.

Shane: Yeah we are telling my mom but hurry up and get here, we have to go soon. Plus you have to give me a kiss before we leave.

** hangs up**

Kalel: Im going to go get ready, if you need to you can use the downstairs shower.

Shane: Okay, thanks.

I took a shower and got ready, about five minutes later Joey knocked on the door. I awnsered the door and Joey came in.

Shane: Hey.

Joey: Hey, where is Kalel?

Shane: Oh, she is getting ready in her room.

Joey: Good.

Joey grabbed my waist and pulled me close, and we started kissing. We kissed for a long time. Then he pulled away.

Shane: Well then.

Joey chuckled

Joey: That should hold me until after school.

Shane: Maybe not.

Then I kissed Joey again and then Kalel walked in.

Kalel: Am I interrupting something?

Joey and Shane: No.

And then we broke out in laughter.

Joey: well, we better get going to school now.

He said still giggling a little bit.

Kalel: Are you sure you don't want to suck Shane's face some more?

She said laughing

Joey: Well, I would like too but we have to go to school.

I wink at him and we walk to the bus stop and walk on the bus.

The first thing I hear is Anthony calling me a fag and other crap, but what I didn't think would happen was Kalel walked back there and slapped him.

The bus driver broke it up and we went on our way to school. I sat with Kalel, and Joey sat with Cat so it wasn't too obvious we were together.

Once we got off the bus I headed to my first class which I had with Joey so I was happy about that. I walked into the math room and sat down, then when Joey came in he sat down next to me.


Joey: Hey, we should go to that woodsy area by my house tonight after we tell your mom.

Shane: Okay, I just wish we didn't have to hide that we are gay. If we came out, which I don't want to do for a while because I don't want you getting hurt, I could sit here and hold your hand or something but I cant do that.

Joey: I know but sense you seem so mad, next period at 9:10 meet me in the bathroom.

He winked at me and I smiled

*stop whispering*

Sawyer: Hey faggot.

I saw Joey get red I could tell he was about to break, and then he did.

Joey: Sawyer, what is your motherfucking problem? Why do you feel the need to mess with people? You need to go sit the fuck down and mind your own fuckin shit.

Sawyer: Whats your problem pretty boy, you better stop before I smash your face.

Joey: So what if he weighed a lot he lost weight. So what if there is anything wrong with him, everyone has flaws, so what. Therefore shut your fuckin glutinous mouth hole and sit the fuck down.

The teacher came and broke everything up and Sawyer got detention but Joey didn't get anything sense Sawyer started it and he was defending me.

I smiled at him and he smiled back.

That period ended and I was on my way to science.

It was 9:10 so I got the bathroom pass and left the room.

Joey POV

I left the classroom and walked into the bathroom.

Shane was standing there looking all sexy like always.

I walked over to him and put my hands on his hips and pulled him closer to me.

Shane: If your going to touch me we should probably go behind a wall or something.

He was right, so I took his hand and I led him behind a wall where nobody would see us but we could hear is someone walked in.

I pushed him onto the wall and kissed him. He kissed me back and grabbed my hips to pull me closer.

(author note: I have read many shoey fics it might get a little bit graphic but nothing big right now, but it might sound bad I might not be good at these but I have read enough fanfics to write about smut. lol this is going to be so bad.)

I put my hands on both sides of him on the wall trapping him. I moved closer to him to where our chests were touching, I felt butterflies in my stomach but I was loving every minute of what was happening. My toungue brushed his bottom lip signaling for him to open his mouth but he didn't, so I moved one of my hands and grabbed his butt and he gasped. I took the opportunity to slide my toungue in his mouth. we made out for a few more minutes until he pulled away.

Shane: We have been here a long time I think we should go back to our classes.

Joey: Your probably right, but just wait until we get to the little forest by my house. Your in for a treat.

I went back to class and everyone started staring at me, probably because I was gone for 10 minutes but I didn't care what they thought I just had the best 10 minutes of my life.

Right before I left Shane to go back to class we talked about telling people and we decided we were going to tell Cat at lunch.

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