I nod, unsatisfied.We reach the room in which we were in previously, and Brody opens the door. He takes in a short sigh and then follows me inside.

"You should sit down for this," he says as he gestures his head to the chair nailed in the middle of the floor.

I sit into the chair, ready for my questions to be answered. I open my mouth, beginning to form the first word in my question, when Brody places his index finger on the brim of my lip.

"Let me talk first. When I'm done, I'll be happy to answer your multitude of questions."

I pout slightly at his requirements, but in the end, I agree.

Brody opens his mouth to speak, but then closes it. His hands ruffle through his hair and pull at his roots. "How should I say this?" he mumbles under his breath and to himself.

"Okay, you know how you can hear me in your head?"


"And when we kiss, there's this fiery sweetness that burns your inside?"


"And it's easier for you to control your mind abilities than it is for everyone else?"


"Everyone always just seem to be attracted to you?"

"Yes," I smirk with pride.

"And sometimes things happen or events have happened that you're not entirely sure what happened?"

"Hmm, there was this time when I was in this shaft and someone was coming after me. I got scared and screamed, and somehow the person ended up holding their stomach in pain...I don't recall doing anything to cause it. I remember trying to get into her body to break her bones, but she had put up some sort of wall.

"No, that's not possible, you couldn't...but then again anything is possible considering...no, I don't believe it could happen like that...but then again...emotions took over...but still..."

I stare at him in confusion as he ponders what I just told him. I watch as he covers his face with his hands and inhale a couple of breaths. He releases his hands and then locks his eyes into mine.

"Lacey, do you have the faintest idea of what I am?"

"No, not really."

"Tell me what you know."

"Alright. I know that you drink blood. Umm, you have some gifts such as perhaps telepathy, elemental manipulation, and healing. You have venom that causes the body to be paralyzed...but when you bit that girl, she seemed perfectly fine, but when you bit me you paralyzed me..."

"Sorry about that, it was an accident, I didn't mean to eject my venom in you...and well you surprised me..."

"Surprised you? As I recall you were the one that surprised me."

"Well when I tasted your blood it was different than I had assumed."

"Did it taste bad?"

"Hah. No, it was something that I've never had before...Okay look Lacey, I've prolonged this long enough, and I'm just going to spit it out. It probably won't make sense at first, but bear with me."


"I'm a Divames and I believe you're half Divames."

"Divames? What's that?"

"Remember how you accused me of being a vampire?"


"Well basically we are the form before becoming a vampire. All vampires were once Divames. We survive by drinking the blood of humans. When we drink blood we don't kill the human that we feed on. We drink their blood, wipe their memory, and they are free to go.

Divames comes from the french words divise and ames, literally translating as split soul. We mate for life. It's like this. The male and female are polar opposites. Females are filled with light and compassion, while the male is filled with inner darkness. After 200 years, if we fail to find our lifemate we have to decide between two choices, greet the dawn or phase into a vampire. The only way to change into a vampire is if you kill the human that you are feeding on, fail to find your lifemate, or lose your mate. Let me break this down for you, because the male is filled with inner darkness we need the female, the light to complete us. But if we don't find the female we are consumed by the darkness. We end up losing the ability to feel emotions, sexual desire, and see in color. At this time, the only thing we feel is the thrill of killing a human. Thus turning us into a vampire. If we succeed in not killing a human during that time, we have to make the choice of greeting the dawn or turning into a vampire. Greeting the dawn is committing suicide. Greeting the dawn is a euphemism for burning at the stake. So basically all of us turn into vampires unless we greet the dawn or find our mate. And only the selfish turn into vampires, the undead creatures that live on for eternity. But when you do find your lifemate, you recite the bonding words. Once this has been done, it can not be undone. The male and females must touch minds and share their bodies often. By finding your lifemate, you remain Divames and live for a long time and then die.

You mentioned that I have special abilities. You're correct. All Divames are telepathic, we can manipulate the elements of the earth, shape shift, we live longer than humans, but not for forever, and yes we can heal, but my case is slightly different. I'm born a healer, so I can heal major wounds while the others can only heal minor ones. And then there are others that can do magic, but you have to be born that way. We use our telepathy to call humans to us. Unlike vampires, we are not super strong or fast. So instead we use the form of telepathy. It's like hypnotizing through the mind.

You also mentioned that you noticed there was only one female. Our race is dwindling. There hasn't been a female for awhile."

"So I'm half Divames, does that mean I can do all those things you mentioned and that I need to mate for life and drink blood? And how am I half Divames?"

"Not necessarily. You're half Divames and half human. You obviously dislike the taste of blood, meaning that it's not part of your diet. And well your mother is human and your farther is the Divames"

"Wait, my father is Divames?"

"Yes. Your birth was our rejoice. Your mother and father were in love and she produced you. We didn't think it was possible...for a human, I mean Polynatural, to mate with our kind. According to the elders, your birth was a miracle. Our race is dying and you having been born female is really our savior."

"Wait, hold on, what are you trying to get at here?"

He sighs. "What I'm trying to say is that you're part of a plan to save our race."

"Wait, are you saying that I need to give birth to a female, to save your race?!"

"Yes. I'm sorry if that's not what you want. Your mother didn't want this responsibility upon you, but you must understand, she loves your father, and she did it not only for him, but for our race. It was a noble thing for her to do."

"So, I just get knocked up by some random Divames?"

"Not exactly, because you are half Divames, you have a lifemate."

"Oh lovely, so now I need to go on a search for my life mate."

"No, you don't. You already found him."

"What do you mean?"

"When we kiss, there's that fiery sweetness. It's the sign. Lacey, you're my lifemate, and I'm yours."

Polynatural-Book 1Where stories live. Discover now