Ch. 42: It's Called a Hug

Começar do início

The lady sifted through the cabinets and something out.

I held my breath as she turned to me.

Maybe... they did...

"Here you go, Kamiki." She said, handing it to me.

I looked down. It was the magazine. Only the magazine.

"Is there a problem?" The lady asked.

I shook my head. "Uh... are you sure this was it? Was there not even am envelope or anything?"

She shook her head. "No ma'am. This was all I could find under your name."

"Really..." I said, clutching my magazine.

The people behind me started shoving me. "Hey, lady! Hurry it up, we want our mail!"

I left the post office and went and sat under a tree, flipping through my magazine.

Maybe... maybe it's just gonna show up late... shipping does take a while...

I had to laugh at myself for being so pathetic.

Of course nothing's coming.

I heard footsteps and looked up to see three girls walking my way.

I recognized these girls, they were in some of my classes and I remember them being particularly nasty to me. So imagine my excitement.

"Aww, did poor little Izumo get a dumb magazine for her birthday? Huh?"

I ignored them, or tried to at least.

"Did your family continue to not give a shit about you? Huh Izumo?"

"Shut up." I muttered angrily. "You don't know a damn thing about my life."

"It must be hard, Izumo." They said. "Being unloved. I can't imagine a world where not a single person likes me. Not a single one."

I gritted my teeth.

Don't cry. They're not worth it.

Don't cry. That's what they want.

"Not even my family! So I really sympathize with you Izumo, it's not easy being an unlikable loser."

I felt my lip starting to tremble.

Today is my birthday, I'm growing up.

I'll grow old to about forty or fifty years old, without a single birthday card from my family. 

I'll be turning eighty, on my death bed, alone. And I'll be able to say that I can't remember the last time they ever congratulated me on my birthday. Or even... spoken to me... for that matter...

"Aww would you look at that, is little Izumo about to cry--"

"Ladies, I think that's enough." a cleared voice cut them off.

I froze, recognizing the voice, and looked up to see Alexander standing there. He was standing there, with his package of Rita's cookies in one arm, tapping his flip-flopped foot with the sternest look on his face.

No, no, no... why is he doing this!?

"S-Sasha-sama!" They squealed. "He's actually talking to us!!"

"What do you think you're doing to Kamiki?" He asked.

"Oh her, she's nothing Sasha-sama, don't worry about it--"

"She's not nothing." He hissed. "She happens to be a friend of mine, and I would greatly appreciate it if the likes of you did not speak to her in such a manner. It's not... how do I say this... being sour is not a very cute look on you girls. Nor will it ever be. Good day."

The White Exorcist (a Blue Exorcist fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora